Chapter 1 My Mate

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Chapter 1

Samantha's POV

Beep! Beep!

What is that a noise?


Why won't it stop?


Please stop!


Jumping up, I throw whatever is making the noise under my pillow. Slowly and carefully, I lift the pillow up afraid something creepy will jump out and attack me. What I do see causes me great pain and sadness. It's my alarm clock, mornings suck. I'm so not a morning person. I have to get up two hours before I need to just so I can put on my disguise and then make breakfast for a lot of ungrateful people.

I hear a faint beep.

I also hate alarm clocks because when they go off it means I have to wake up. Now every time I hear a beeping sound or the ringing of a phone I get irritated because I feel like I have to get up even though I'm already up. Which is weird and confusing.


Oops! I forgot to turn it off.

I turn the alarm off hoping it didn't wake anyone up. I didn't hear anyone moving around, so I'm good.

Groaning, I get out of bed only to fall on my face. After laying there for a good 5 minutes I finally have enough energy to stand, but not enough to actually move my feet. Okay I need to stop messing around. Instead of actually walking over to my bathroom, I imagine I am. Does that ever happen to you? Either you're lying in bed or standing/ sitting, whatever, you know you have to start moving or go do something, like taking a shower. But you're not actually moving, you're just imagining it. I'm confusing myself trying to explain this, so I'm just going to take a shower. I finally manage to make it to the bathroom, walking in I look to my right. I see someone in the mirror.

A beautiful girl with long golden blonde hair and electric blue eyes stares back.

Soon it will all be covered up with a bright strawberry blonde wig, glasses, and annoying; sometimes painful; fake braces. Scowling, I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth thoroughly, then turn away from the mirror, stripping I hop into the shower. Literally, I don't why I just felt like hopping like a bunny. Does that make me weird? I don't care if I come off weird, this who I am. Trust me, throughout this story, of me finding out where I belong, there will be a lot of goofy and weird situations that occur.

Turning on the water the facet makes a screeching sound. I cringe. Werewolves have better hearing abilities then humans so the sound hurt my ears.

Washing my hair with the warm vanilla sugar shampoo & conditioner I bought. I love the smell of warm vanilla, it makes me happy although I don't know why. I guess it reminds me of happier times when my parents actually cared about me and the pack didn't hate me because I wasn't beautiful like everyone else. Even though I am. They wouldn't know that though because they've never seen me without my disguise.

Well I guess they have I've only been wearing it for 3 years. Before that it was just me with no disguise and no hidden secret. Now the real me is Hidden Underneath this Horriblely Smelly, Weird, Painful, Gross, and Extremely ITCHY disguise!

After my little screaming fest in my head, I scrub my body with a strawberry body wash. Shave and jump out. Which probably wasn't a good idea.

I slid across the floor, bump into the sink and then fall to the floor.

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