Chapter 6

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James p.o.v

Oh my god what have I done, what have I turned into. I was never ment to do hit her. I just got so angry and all the anger just boiled up. I lost control, ouch my hands. ( I looked at my hands) I had blood all on them. I needed to get home and wash it off. I hope she's okay. Wait no I don't that bitch deserved everything that was coming to her. She ruins life so I ruined hers. What if she does tell everyone at school? If she does then I will just have to finish what I started.

the next morning

Katie's p.o.v

I got up took of my bloody dress, and cleaned up my face. I walked down stairs with trying to hide my face. Because it was Saturday. I didn't need to see James again and I hope I never will. I walked back upstairs to my room I looked into the mirror, I had a black eye, cut lip, bruises all round my face. I don't know what I'm going to say at school I mean I can't say that James did it. First of all because he said he can do worst and second no one will believe me. But the thing I don't get is when James said I should of never ruined his life. I don't get what I have done. Every second of the day the door knocked i keep thinking that's it's James to come and finish of the job. I don't know how I'm going to get over this.

James p.o.v

When I woke up this morning I felt fantastic I mean now I don't have to see Katie again and I'm still king of my school. I must of had bad thoughts last night i mean i said " what have i turned into" oh well. Do I feel bad? Na course not she had it coming, I planned all of this told you it was a marvellous plan didn't I? Well you don't need to hear from me anymore so peace out and oh yeah good luck with Katie ha

Katie's mums p.o.v

I don't know what's wrong with Katie yesterday she just came running in. I hope she's okay, since we have moved here she hasn't had it easy. She had a date yesterday and it looked like that wen belly up. I was outside her door listening her cry herself to sleep. I wanted to rush in to see what was up with her, but I knew that she might want her time alone. But I'm furious with James, he upset her some how and I want to know how.

Katie's p.o.v

Another day with this horrible ugly face. The bruises are clearing up but my black eye is still there. He has caused a lot of pain to me, I mean I can't eat, sleep drink. I never know when he's going to burst through that door. I'm flinching all the time don't let anyone touch me. I've locked myslef away. Did I do anything to deserve this? Maybe I just shouldn't be here at all. It's like someone has just came In here took my heart and stamped on it good a proper and not putting it back. I can feel my heart beat out my chest. And tomorrow it's my dad's and mums anniversary, I want to go and visit his grave but I can't. Mum will see my face, have you had that feeling when someone you love is not there anymore? If you haven't I will describe It to you. When you hear that's there not there anymore, you break down, everything goes silent all you can hear is you own heart beat getting faster and faster by the minute. You freeze like a ice cube, it's a punch in the belly. When your at school you act all fine but you know that your not fine your mums not your family's not, the heart ack it will stay there forever.

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