11. Family

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"Are we walking to the store?", Namjoon asks as he fixes his coat. "Yeah. Its not too far and were just ordering anyway. Don't wanna use the car for this", Jungkook replies, setting his hair.

"Wait. Minie doesn't have warm clothes", Namjoon says after a minute, frowning. Jungkook feels a swift rush of anger surge through his veins. "I can't believe he lived with them for two years", he says through gritted teeth.

Namjoon sighs and turns around to cage Jungkook in his arms. "Don't stress yourself", he whispers, running his thumbs over Jungkook's fisted knuckles. Jungkook exhales heavily and slumps against his chest, opening his hands.

"How are we gonna take him with us? Its december. He'll freeze", Namjoon worries. Jungkook furrows his brows, trying to come up with a plan. Before he can suggest something, Namjoon's phone rings.

"Pick it up. I'll think of something", Jungkook assures. Namjoon gives him an apologetic look and moves out of the bedroom, sending a small smile in Jimin's direction.

"Hyung! How are you?", Namjoon asks. "I'm fine, Joon-ah. How's it going?", Seokjin questions from the other line. Namjoon bites his lips. He should tell him about Jimin.

"I have something to tell you", he breathes out. Seokjin seems to realize its something serious because he merely hums. "So...", namjoon starts awkwardly, uncertain about how to let this out.

"We have a kid", he blurts out. Seokjin squeaks from the other side of the phone, choking on his own startled hiccups. "What?!", he yells. Namjoon winces, distancing himself from the phone.

"Hyung!", he whines. "This is very.... surprising", Seokjin says. Namjoon knows he's trying not to be too insensitive. "Tell me everything", he orders. Namjoon sighs and starts narrating everything that has happened.

"Oh my...", Seokjin gasps after he hears the whole story. "That's very shitty of them", he comments. Namjoon nods to himself but doesn't say anything. "Namjoon-ah, are you sure you can handle this? Both of you?", Seokjin questions. Namjoon can practically feel him frowning.

Namjoon sighs tiredly. "I hope so, hyung. He's a very sweet kid. We couldn't say no", he answers, biting his lip. "Okay. Just-- just try to be careful. I don't want you both to get hurt", Seokjin explains gently.

Namjoon agrees. "I know". Seokjin exhales deeply. When can we meet him?", he asks. Namjoon relaxes a little, smiling. "We can come over in a few hours?", Namjoon suggests. Seokjin rustles a little before clicking his tongue. "Hoseok and Yoongi are at the cafe. Day after tomorrow sound good?", he asks.

"Oh, of course. Jimin can take some rest tomorrow", Namjoon replies, feeling at ease. "He's got a nice name", Seokjin teases. Namjoon laughs. "Jungkook's courtesy", he replies. That reminds me, tell Jungkook we miss him. And we'd love to see all three of you together", Seokjin says happily.

"I will", Namjoon assures and seokjin hangs up the phone. He turns around to call Jungkook. "Baby!", he shouts. "Coming!", Jungkook shouts back from the bedroom. Namjoon walks down the stairs and waits for his husband and Jimin near the main door.

He hears some shuffling and looks up from his phone, almost melting into the ground. "My god", he exhales out, completely endeared. Jungkook is wearing a long pea coat, much like his own. He has Jimin wrapped up in a thick scarf. He's small enough to fit right in.

"Why would you do this to me?", Namjoon questions dramatically, clutching his chest as Jimin peeks at him from Jungkook's chest, giving him a toothy smile. Jungkook laughs, obviously proud of his work. "Isn't he so cute?", he asks happily.

Namjoon smiles and presses a tender kiss to Jungkook's forehead. "He's very adorable", he agrees, his grin never leaving his face. He leans down a little and pulls the scarf up enough to hide half of Jimin's face so that only his eyes are visible. He looks like a baby koala, clinging tightly to Jungkook.

"I can cover his head", Jungkook butts in when Namjoon opens his mouth to say something. His husband nods with a close-lipped grin, his heart feeling unbelievably warm even in the biting cold of late december.

You sure we shouldn't take the car?", Namjoon asks once he locks the door. Jungkook bounces Jimin a little before answering, "I'm sure. We can buy some clothes for Mimi now. Other things can be ordered".

Namjoon agrees without further question. "Hi, baby", Jungkook starts small talk with the little boy as they start walking towards the store. "Hi", Jimin replies in his usual small voice, smiling cutely.

"We're going to the store today. We'll get you new clothes!", Jungkook says excitedly. Namjoon laughs when Jimin just watches him with a confused pout, tilting his head.

Jungkook glares at namjoon before turning his attention back to the tiny human being in his arms. "We'll get chocolates, too", he tries. That immediately excites Jimin. His whole face lights up with pure delight.

Jungkook sends namjoon a victorious smirk who rolls his eyes, barely hiding the fond smile that threatens to break past his lips. "Choco Choco", Jimin babbles in ecstasy, hands curling into little fists on Jungkook's coat.

"Seems like he likes chocolate, not you", Namjoon teases and winces when that earns a punch to his arm, hard enough for it to hurt. He rubs his arm with a pout. Jungkook doesn't relent, only huffs and looks away.

Namjoon sighs but smiles. His husband is sure a character. He moves a little closer to him on the side walk and wraps an arm around his husband's shoulder, not letting go even when he tries to shrug it off.

"Come on, honey. I was just teasing", he whines. Jungkook shakes his head. You were being annoying. You were making fun of me", he accuses. Namjoon bites his lip because that's not entirely incorrect.

"Okay, what must I do to earn your forgiveness?", he asks. Jungkook tries to keep a hard face but falters, bursting into fits of giggles at Namjoon's dramatics.
"A kiss will do", Jungkook answers easily.

"Say no more", Namjoon replies just as seriously and dives in for a kiss, still walking. Their lips barely brush when Jimin whines, as if asking for attention.

Namjoon and Jungkook look at each other before laughing at the adorable little angel, pressing a kiss to each of his temples.

As scary as it is, this feels like family.

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