6. Unforeseen

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"Now that you've finally calmed down, let's do something fun", Namjoon says, petting Jungkook's hair. The younger looks up from where he has been resting his head on his lap while his whole body is on the couch.

"Something fun?", he repeats. "Something fun", namjoon approves. Jungkook taps his chin before smiling. "Let's go to yoongi!", he exclaims happily, getting off of Namjoon's lap and the couch.

He starts walking towards their bedroom but namjoon quickly pulls him back by wrapping one of his arms around Jungkook's tiny waist. The younger whines as he's forcefully yet carefully seated on his husband's lap.

"No. I love yoongi but let's do something fun. Just you and me", Namjoon says, smiling widely. Jungkook smirks. "Just you and me?", he says, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

Namjoon rolls his eyes. "As much as I'd love to, we just got back from our long vacation. Let's do something light but fun", he says. Jungkook pouts but doesn't argue. Just then, an idea pops into his mind.

"Christmas is coming!", he says excitedly. "And we're atheist", namjoon says, unimpressed. Jungkook whines. "But I celebrate Christmas every year!" Namjoon shrugs, "Well, I don't".

"Don't lie. Hobi hyung told me that all of you celebrate Christmas", jungkook counters. "They celebrate Christmas. I just buy yoongi gifts and take up their guest room for a night", namjoon defends.

Jungkook huffs loudly and turns his face to the side so that he isn't facing namjoon anymore. Namjoon sighs and pulls him closer, nuzzling his face on Jungkook's shoulder.

"We didn't celebrate our birthdays. We didn't celebrate Halloween. Why Christmas, then?", Namjoon asks. Jungkook shrugs and turns around in Namjoon's hold so that his whole front is pressing against Namjoon's.

"Because", he pecks Namjoon's lips. "We were too busy tip toeing around each other. We were happy but not completely. It's different now. There's no hesitation and we can be happy without holding ourselves back", he explains.

Namjoon hums. "Besides---", jungkook begins but his phone starts ringing. He gives his husband an apologetic look but namjoon just shakes his head with a smile and reaches forward to grab the phone, handing it to jungkook.

"Hello?", Jungkook answers, getting comfortable on Namjoon's lap. His husband brings his hands to secure his hips so that he doesn't fall over.

"Is this Jeon Jungkook?; a man on the other line speaks. Jungkook opens his mouth to correct him but then decides against it. What if someone wants to contact him but doesn't know he's married?

"Yes, this is Jeon Jungkook", he replies. Namjoon raises an eyebrow. Jungkook just shrugs in response.

"Okay, great. This is officer Lee Hanseul from Seoul PD; the person reveals and Jungkook's eyes widen. Police?

"Hey, hey, don't panic. Its nothing bad; the officer replies when jungkook doesn't answer for a bit too long. He bites his lip. That's somewhat reassuring but not really. He's still on edge.

"Is everything okay, officer?", he asks, worried. He hears some shuffling sound in the background before the officer speaks. "Do you happen to know a certain Choi Minsook?", he questions.

Jungkook frowns. He has heard that name somewhere. He grips Namjoon's shoulder while he concentrates on remembering where he has heard this particular name. Namjoon just waits patiently for the call to be over.

It suddenly clicks.

"Oh, yeah. We used be roommates back in college. I forgot she's married now. Couldn't recognize the last name immediately", he tells the officer, wanting to make his tone sound as apologetic as possible.

"That's okay. Actually, she and her husband are currently being jailed for the illegal transport of a number of different drugs; the officer says and jungkook almost loses control but namjoon is there to save him.

"What?!", he says out loud. Because, literally what? It's already shocking that she's being jailed for something like this. But what throws jungkook off guard is the fact that the police department called him. Out of all the people they could've reached, they decided to call him.

"I don't mean to be rude but, what does any of this have to do with me? We haven't been in contact for almost four years now", he says anxiously. Namjoon senses his distress and immediately starts running his hand up and down his thigh.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Jeon, we called all the contacts she had and all of them are either working as drug mafias or are out of town. You're the only one we had left", the officer starts.

"I know this is all very confusing but your friend has a two year old kid who needs a home right now. We called his grandparents, both maternal and paternal but they're too ashamed to take in a druggie's child; Jungkook can't see the officer's face but he knows he's rolling his eyes. He has to be. Because jungkook is.

"That still doesn't explain anything", jungkook bites his lip. "How did any of this make you contact me?", he ponders. He hears a long sigh before there's another shuffling noise.

"I'm so sorry if this is stressful to you. But we need to find a home for the child", the officer repeats himself from earlier. "We contacted seven foster care associations but none of them can arrange a home soon enough. And we can't give him up for adoption because his parents haven't signed off of parental rights yet".

Jungkook holds his breath when he realizes what the next part is gonna be. He hears a long inhale and some more shuffling before the officer starts speaking again.

"So, we were wondering if you could take him in for a few days or maybe weeks until we find a temporary home that is good enough for him. You don't have to but it would be really helpful if you could", the officer sighs, sounding a little desperate.

Jungkook looks at namjoon who's looking at him with a lost expression. He pouts a little. "I'm sorry, officer. I don't think---", he starts but get cuts off by a new voice.


Jungkook freezes in place. "Don't worry, its Minsook's son. Oh, and a headstart, he can't really speak. I mean, he's not completely non-verbal but he knows lesser words than any other kid of his age. His parents didn't really pay much attention to him", the officer explains slowly.

That hits something inside jungkook. That hits way close to home. He looks at namjoon again, his hold on his shoulder tigethening. He bites his lip and makes a decision, ignoring the consequences surfacing right in front of his eyes.

"I'll talk to my husband and let you know".

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