24. He's My Husband

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Namjoon claps so hard he thinks his hands are going to fall off. But he can't bring himself to think about that right now. Why? Because his husband just won the competition he was so desperately pining for.

Jungkook had told him about everything that had transpired between him and Minhyun in the studio that day. And as much as he wanted to give him a piece of his mind, Jungkook had assured him that Minhyun was his well wisher.

And now that Namjoon sees Minhyun practically lifting Jungkook and spinning him in circles, he has no doubt about it. He smiles to himself. Jungkook doesn't have any major contests for a few weeks now, they can enjoy their late nights all they want.

Suddenly, he feels a fairly large body press against him. He almost jumps out of his skin but breathes in relief when he realizes that it's just his husband.

"Baby, you were amazing", Namjoon whispers, pressing a kiss to Jungkook's hair. He feels Jungkook hum against him, swaying them from side to side.

"I can't believe I won", Jungkook says, words muffled by Namjoon's jacket. He literally hears his husband roll his eyes. "Of course you do. You did so well", Namjoon mutters softly.

"I know. Just wanted praise", Jungkook replies cheekily, moving his face from Namjoon's chest to give him a quick peck. Namjoon startles, squeaking a little at the sudden touch against his lips, caught off-guard.

"You're weird", Namjoon says but he's smiling. Jungkook smiles back at him. Namjoon tips his head down just a little to kiss jungkook properly, almost moaning when Jungkook fists his hand in his hair.

"Jungkook, would you like to....", Jackson interrupts them, "....celebrate with a drink", he trails off, his sentence sounding more like a statement and less like a question. "In the middle of the hall, really?", he huffs loudly, ears going red with embarrassment.

Jungkook smirks at him. "Don't let me tell Joonie about that time you and Mark hyung thought you were alone in the studio", he teases. Namjoon raises an eyebrow because he's sure Jungkook has already told him about that.

Jungkook subtly squeezes his cock, making him wheeze. He quickly stops himself from saying anything.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Please don't!", Jackson begs, looking panicked. Jungkook waves him off with a smug grin before turning to face Namjoon.

"We're in for that drink by the way".

"But Min and Tae---"

"They're safe with Hobi and hyung".

"And what about the---"

"Stop talking, Namjoonie".

For all the smug act, Jungkook gets drunk fairly easily, giggling into Namjoon's neck, unable to form coherent sentences without stumbling over his words and hiccuping every two seconds.

"Remind me to never let him get wine drunk again", Namjoon says to no one in particular because all their friends and Jungkook's colleagues from the studio have already left.

The (illegal) gay bar in this side of Seoul is still filled somehow. Honestly, Namjoon can't say he's surprised because Seoul is a city that never sleeps. He just wishes Jungkook was atleast sober enough to walk.

Now he can pick Jungkook up by ease (all those muscles aren't there for nothing) but the problem is his husband's wide eyes and his cute little pout that refrains him from going against his will.

"Jungkookie, let's go home now", he says softly, raking his long fingers through Jungkook's damp hair. Jungkook just whines and nuzzles more into his neck, mumbling something incoherent. Again.

Namjoon sighs. Again.

"Okay, I'll get you some water. We'll stay here for ten minutes more and then we're going home, yeah?", Namjoon coaxes gently.

Jungkook nods absentmindedly but Namjoon decides that's as good of an affirmation as he'll get. "Don't go anywhere", Namjoon warns, pressing a kiss to Jungkook's head and moving out of his seat.

Jungkook pouts childishly as he watches Namjoon disappearing into the crowd. His head is already starting to pound. He whines a little, turning around to rest his head on the bar counter.

When he feels a hand on his thigh, he smiles a little to himself, thinking it's Namjoon. Thus, the gasp he lets out is not overexaggerated when he sees a stranger smirking down at him instead of his husband.

"Uh...", he starts anxiously, unable to say anything without slurring. The man smiles wickedly and sits down beside him. "Surprised to see such a cutie alone", he slurs a little but not as much as Jungkook.

Jungkook mutters something like, 'I'm not alone' but the stranger doesn't grasp that. Jungkook can't blame him though. He can't understand himself either considering how much he's dragging his words.

"Would you like to---", the man stops abruptly when a hand lands on his shoulder. Jungkook would've squealed seeing Namjoon behind him if he wasn't hanging on the brink of unconciousness.

"I think I'm gonna take him home", Namjoon says coolly. The man raises an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm gonna let you do that?", he questions. "Why wouldn't you?", Namjoon challenges.

The man laughs. "I saw him first", he smirks. Namjoon smirks back, folding his arms on his chest. "Is that so?", he asks. The tension is so heavy Jungkook can pass out. The loud music isn't making it any easier for him to not faint.

"Look, man. I don't wanna fuck with you right now. I don't like sharing my things so back off", the stranger says, starting to get annoyed. Namjoon laughs at that, genuine and not mocking like before.

"I'm sorry, dude. We're married. He's my husband", he says, looking at Jungkook from his peripheral vision. Instead of backing off, the stranger has the audacity to laugh right in Namjoon's face.

"You don't actually think I'm gonna believe that, yeah?", he says, rolling his eyes. Namjoon sighs and rounds the man to get to Jungkook. He lifts Jungkook's left hand as well as his own and shows the matching rings on their ring fingers.

The man's eyes widen in surprise and he gapes at the rings before looking back at them both. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you two alone now", he says quickly and retracts back to the other side of the bar.

Namjoon sighs heavily before looking at Jungkook, a small smile making it's way to his lips. He wraps Jungkook's arms around his neck and lifts him up by the back of his knees.

Jungkook quickly buries his face in Namjoon's neck. He slurs something and Namjoon laughs.

"I love you, too, hubby. Let's get you home now".

 Let's get you home now"

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