29. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐭

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Thank you @_tamajiki_for the request!

So basically, you get a pet which you pay more attention to, and they get jealous over the lack of attention

-he loved the dog you got
-he really does
-what he didn't like was the attention it got
-you haven't looked at him at all
-and he hated it
-he sort of wished he was the dog
-would whine how he wanted attention

-he would sort of glare at the dog
-he found it cute
-but he's your boyfriend
-and he wants attention
-he would be sitting in a corner with a dark aura
-just (╬ಠ益ಠ)

-he didn't want you knowing he was jealous
-especially over a dog
-cause blackmail man ✨
-so he stood back with a glare on his face
-like that...

-he feels bad
-he likes the dog too
-but he wanted your attention
-so he tries to softly tell you that he also want attention
-who am I kidding
-we don't need no dog
-we got our bby Yams 😌

-if he's jealous
-he shows it
-won't hesitate
-whines until you give him attention
-ain't no pet gonna steal his girl/man
-most likely gives the pet some stupid faces
-to intimidate
-but he just looks ridiculous

-if Tanaka and Noya are the same person I will not be surprised
-he won't think twice about placing the pet on the floor and jumping in your arms
-rants about how the pet was recieving more attention than you
-hahaha recieving, get it?
-ok i'll stop now :')

-he didn't want to make you mad
-cause angry (y/n) is not nice (y/n)
-he sort of had to deal with it until you noticed
-he tried to bond with the pet too
-so now you too are giving the pet attention
-the pet is very happy now ;D

-he thought you looked cute
-but he also has his needs
-so he walked up behind you and gave you a back hug
-and soft neck kisses
-sort of to make you notice
-good luck with that 🤡

-like Suga
-he thought you looked cute
-but he found it unfair
-so he hugged you
-and gave you kisses
-basically giving you hints that he wants attention

-if he wants attention
-he's getting attention
-ain't no cat gonna take your attention
-shows however possible that he's jealous
-and that he's needy
-have fun 🌚

-he knows he doesn't give you much attention himself
-so he thought it was only fair
-but he still couldn't help the jealousy he felt deep down
-he tried to ignore by continuing to play games
-but your soft giggles got to him
-he simply laid his head on your back cause he doesn't want to annoy you

-like a little kid would do
-he would cross his arms and huff
-various time to get your attention
-but didn't seem to work
-so he gave up
-and tried to do something else till you gave him attention

-he would obviously start whining
-if he wants attention
-he'll do anything to get it
-and if annoying your guts out is what it takes
-he'll do it
-will get so clingy too💀

-tsun tsun Iwa
-he won't admit he's jealous
-but he'll give off hints that he wants attention
-if his attemps are useless
-he'll try to think of something else to do

-he'll tell you he wants to do something
-sort of hinting he wants attention
-but seeing it won't work
-he'll sit on the bed and look at memes
-hoping you realized how lonely he's feeling

-i feel like he would also be too engrossed with the pet
-but do it for the story
-he would whine
-and try to get your attention away from the pet
-by tugging on your shirt or hug you
-or verbally say he wants attention
-won't stop till you answer back and give him your full attention

-he doesn't want to annoy you
-even if he's needy for attention
-tries to think of other things to do
-but if he sees that you've been with the dog for too long
-he'll take the dog away from your arms and nuzzle his head against your neck

-yet another needy boy
-he gets what he want
-and your attention is what he wants
-if he's too fed up with the pet
-he'll snatch it away
-he picks you up
-and cuddles you in bed :)

-will blantly tell you that you spend too much time with the pet
-can you even have pets in the dorms????
-either way he'll tell you that
-and if he sees that you aren't paying any mind
-he'll just walk away
-doesn't mean he ain't jealous tho
-but he respects you

-he didn't want to seem needy
-but he would slowly lose his patience
-and his jealousy level would slowly get higher
-when he finally couldn't take it anymore
-he hugged you from behind
-and groaned loudly saying he wanted attention too

-he'd start playing with the pet too
-but on rare occasions where he isn't
-he'll lay on the bed with his phone
-till he got bored
-and whined saying he wanted attention too
-would most likely say some really bad jokes to get your attention

-at first despite his jealousy
-he tried to entertain himself
-but he would start glaring more often at the innocent pet in your arms
-and when he finally had enough
-he snatched it and placed it somewhere else
-and then he placed himself in your arms
-as if you were craddling him like a baby

-he glares at the poor pet
-(ಠ ∩ಠ)
-he doesn't want rabies so he won't get close
-he'll probably walk off far away
-and then he would tell you to shower yourself before you touch him
-gives small hints that he wants attention on him
-he misses your hugs and kisses 🥺

-he doesn't want to get on your nerves with his needs
-so he'll entertain himself
-but glances every so often at you two
-and when he finally got really bored
-he'd hug you from behind
-maybe even play with the pet too

-he wants it
-he gets it
-I kid you not
-he will not hesitate to yeet the pet
-but for your sake, he doesn't
-doesn't stop him from whining like a baby
-till you finally give him what he wants

-he has tricks up his sleeve
-he'll cook food you really like
-cause the smell of food always catches your attention
-he knows what he's doing
-no pet is gonna steal his girl/man

-at first he won't be very bothered
-but he'll slowly get bored
-so he'll sleep it off
-but if he wakes up to see you still with the pet
-he'll place the pet on the floor and craddle himself in your arms

Alright so my wattpad has been working like a huge bitch so sorry in advance
Thank so much! Um 10k??? bRuH how do y'all like this piece of crap so much?? 💩💩
Um wow so many requests?? dudeeee i love that keep em' coming
Anywaysssss thank you! ❤️

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