63. 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐦𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐭. 1

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The highly requested scenario is finally here ;))

Thank you @-AnxtyTeen-, @THCTSUKIBAKUHCE and kinkology for the request!!!

It's a continuation to the getting amnesia scenario


-you ran down the school halls, trying to catch up to a certain orange haired boy
-how could you forget?how could you forget the love of your life?
-you reached your arm out to him, lacing your fingers to his shirt and pulling him to you
-engulfing him in a hug, you whispered his name, voice breaking due to the falling tears
-his eyes widened, tears soon falling from his eyes too, wrapping his arms around you as well

-he walked to the vending machine with heavy steps, the world seemed to go in slow motion for him, days now feeling like years
-whereas for you, you felt confused, everything was going by too quickly
-while you walked around the campus, deep in thought, you came across Kageyama, miserably drinking his milk, but that sight was more than enough to have thousands of memories come crashing back
-you tested his name on your tongue, sensing how right it felt, he looked up at you, shocked, but it soon changed to happiness, tears spilled down from both your eyes as you hugged eachother, feeling the eachother's warmth

-nothing seemed to make sense to him anymore, he wasn't how he used to be
-you also changed, you felt so down and empty, why? What could have caused it?
-while he was walking out of the school entrance, practice finally over, he just so happened to knock into you
-he mumbled something about watching where you where going, not bothering looking who he knocked into
-what was supposed to be a rude remark turned into a trigger in your mind
-"Tsuki..." you breathed out, everything clicking to you as memories flooded back
-"took you long enough" his voice cracked as a smile spread across his face and tears flooded down his cheeks

-who is he?
-a question that pondered upon your mind, over and over again
-ever since the day you saw him in your hospital room, crying, you wondered who he was
-coming back to reality, you heard your teacher mentioning group projects and partners
-Yamaguchi just so happened to be yours, while you worked on your project, you suddenly remembered something important, specifically, the first time you meet, after that, more and more memories came back
-"Tadashi" you whispered, realization coming to you
-he covered his mouth, muffling his sobs, as he hugged you, treasuring eachother's warmth

-he was practicing volleyball, but not as motivated as he used to be
-ever since that day, he felt a sudden loss of energy, he wasn't the same
-the sudden slam of the gym door made everyone jump, not expecting visitors
-you where there, panting and sweating, you looked at Tanaka, hopeful and the world seemed to stop between you two

-tears fell from both your eyes as you ran into his arms, glad to be able

-he walked down the street, looking down at the floor, not looking where he was going
-the cars driving and people's chatter where just a background noise to him
-until he felt himself crash into someone
-he landed on top of you as you both fell to the floor, he looked down at you, surprised, and you looked back up at him, just as surprised
-a stray tear fell from your eye as realization hit you, the empty void in your heart filled up the more memories you remembered

-she wanted to help you out, but she knew how vague the possibilities where
-whereas for you, you felt like you knew her, but from where?
-trying to find the answer to question, you saw her in the volleyball gym, quietly looking at her, your hands went up to your mouth as you sobbed, finally remembering
-running to her, you pulled her to you, sniffling out an apology, making her cry along with you

-she wasn't the same anymore
-everything was so dull now, no matter how much she wanted to, she just wasn't motivated to go on any longer
-she sat the usual cafe, the one you both went to often
-looking out the window, deep in thought, she failed to notice you walk in the cafe
-she looked up seeing you sitting across from her and surprise could be seen on her face
-you held her hands, smiling softly while small tears fell down, she tried to speak but she just started crying with you, happy to have you back

-ever since the weird encounter with the boy at the hospital, you wondered who he was, you looked up at the ceiling from your bed, deep in thought, looking back at your memories, trying to remember who he is
-that was until a specific memory came to you, when you first met him
-the boy you met in high school, what was his name?
-....."TENMA" you stood up and quickly put on your shoes, memories hit like a train as you ran to his door and engulfed him in a hug

-you were baffled, your mind scattered everywhere, why was the boy from the hospital so sad?
-throughout the ongoing days, your thoughts always went back to the same question, until one day you walked by the gym, hearing the boys yelling brought a sense of nostalgia, yet you couldn't put your finger on why
-until your eyes landed on Asahi, spiking a ball gracefully as ever, the sight finally made you realize what you were missing, it was him
-when he turned around and saw you, you stared back, a shocked looked on your face, no words had to be said to understand what was going on, he ran up to you and cried on your shoulder, extremely happy to have you back

-he tried to smile, for the sake of others and himself, but sparing one single glance at you would make him break down
-on a specific day, he wasn't feeing great, so he walked to one of your favorite parks, one you used to walk around all the time
-then he spotted you, staring at nothing with your back to him, you sensed his presence and turned around
-you eyes widened and you whispered his name "Kōshi", his eyes also widened , words stuck in his throat, but his tear and opened arms, welcoming you in a hug, where enough

-you stared at him from far away, he was so so familiar, but why can't you remember him?
-everyday went by, and it was always the same and the same question came to your mind, why can't you remember?
-when Yui brought you to the gym to see the boys play, your gut told you something important would happen
-and it did, you saw him play the way he always would, determined as always
-your hands covered your mouth, as you cried endless tears, feeling regret and pain for the memories you lost yet luckily regained

ALRIGHT this is part one, I didn't put all the characters since the chapter is already extremely long, thats why I made this scenario in various parts

Also, sorry for taking so long in updating, my dumbass is having so many exams imma yeet myself ✌️💩


aight gbye loves ❤️

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