37. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦

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Thank you D-DIMNESS  for the request!
WARNING: This topic is sensitive and it could trigger some readers, please don't be afraid to seek for help, and if you want someone to talk to, feel free to talk to me
It will get better, trust me ❤️

-he always saw you wearing long sleeved clothing
-he didn't pay much attention to it at first
-but now he was very curious
-when he asked you about it, he saw how tense you got
-it took you a bit to say the truth
-when he found out, he immediately pulled you in his arms and comfort you

-he always noticed how tense you got when he touched specific parts of your arms
-at first he brushed it off
-but he saw how frequent this reactions got
-so one day he talked to you privately about it
-once you admitted why and showed him your injuries,he was very shocked
-after recovering from the shock, he pulled you into him, whispering to please never do it again

-he isn't stupid
-and he's observant
-he noticed how off you can get because of your arms
-once he had enough of guessing why
-he told you his suspicions
-at first you where scared to tell him, but once you did
-he softened and took your forearms in his hands, softly kissing them

-he had no intention of triggering something in you
-he saw a few scars on your forearms
-curiosity got to him, and he asked you about them
-he didn't mean to make you cry
-when you choked out the truth
-he was heartbroken
-didn't think twice about comforting you and telling you to please never harm yourself again

-he saw you flinch when he grabbed your wrists
-since you where in public he didn't say anything
-but when you got home, he told you about it
-he took your sleeves and pulled them up seeing bandages
-when you admitted that they where self harm injuries, he looked at you horrified
-didn't hesitate to pull you into him and kiss you all throughout your face

-at first he thought your bandages where because of practicing receives
-but one day he saw a small stain of blood in them
-and he didn't think twice about confronting you
-he actually felt his heartbreak when you told him
-he cupped your cheeks and kissed you
-whispered to please never do that and to talk to him

-she can tell when something is off about you
-gives you some time to open up
-and then carefully picks on the topic
-after finding out, she treats your recent wounds
-while telling you to please never harm yourself again
-makes sure to mention that she's there for you

-she took note of how down you seemed
-it bothered her since you wouldn't cheer up
-she took your hands and talked to you about the situation
-once you told her the truth, she tried to hold back a gasp
-she took you by the shoulders and pulled you to her
-whispered reassuring and comforting words to calm you down

-he saw the bandages that you accidentally showed
-at first be was a bit scared to say anything about it
-but he gulped down his fear and confronted you
-and after finding out where the injuries came for
-he got even more scared, but for you
-he wasn't sure what to do, so he hugs you saying to please never do that again

-he noticed something was off about you
-but he couldn't put a finger on it
-made a mental note to ask you
-after a while of asking you
-you finally said the truth
-he didn't hesitate to pull you in his arms, reassuring you that it's gonna be ok

(REQUESTS CLOSED) ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕜𝕪𝕦𝕦 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕤Where stories live. Discover now