Turn 3: FICA

504 11 8

Days later

At Card Capital

Chrono enters the shop and greets them "Uh, good morning"

"Oh hey Chrono! Come in!" Shin greets him. Chrono looks at the quest board "Hey Shin..." Chrono calls Shin

"Hm?" Shin looks confused as he's fixing the storage. "What's this?" Chrono points at the TV looking station "This looks new" he added

"Ah! That's our new FICA system the quest board" Shin explained. "Uh what?" Chrono asks in confusion

Opening (OP 1):

"Here let me show you what it says on the Vanguard news" Shin opens their TV, and changed the channel to the Vanguard news in America

"So mister Tatsuya Tachibana, what's this new machine that you invented?" one of the news reporter asks

"Well it's called the Fighters Card in short we call it FICA" Tatsuya holds a FICA showing it on camera

"How does it work?" a news reporter asks

"It functions as a deck box, it can also be a Vanguard fighting table, it can record your matches, also it's like a smartphone and has the touchscreen function, and it can be used for quests" he answered. "What kinds of quests?" they asked

"Any quest by a Vanguard player and the Vanguard associations themselves...whether it is a Vanguard card fight, mini tournaments, or a quest to find cards, anything at all related to Vanguard. You can earn points by completing a quest, you can find quests in a card shop at their quest board station for FICA's, and if you reach grade 3, you can compete in official tournaments, all over the world...and it is supported and promoted by the official Federation of International Vanguard Association, a.k.a the FIVA" Tatsuya explains

The people around him awed "That's amazing mister Tachibana, what made you make FICA?" a news reporter asked

"Our last invention was a mess back then, it wasn't like this...however this time I'm sure it'll be a success, and will work" said Tatsuya

Then Tatsuya walks out, and the reporters are going crazy, asking more questions

"Oh wow..." said Chrono

"I know right? You can sign up now, to be an official Vanguard card fighter" Shin tells him

"Yeah man!" a guy said from behind them

"Huh?" Chrono looked behind him and saw "Kamui!"

"Come on sign up now, trust me! It's fun! I already have my FICA the other day" said Kamui, while lifting the boxes

"The other day?" Chrono questions him

"Oh, right...you weren't here the other day and yesterday when these systems got shipped here, I forgot that you went home early the other day, and rested yesterday" Kamui tells him, and puts the box down in the storage room

"Well..." Chrono scratches his head

Flashback 2 days earlier

"I attack the Van-gah! Ow! It hurts!" Chrono screams in pain, and holds his left cheek

"Huh? What's wrong?" Kamui asked Chrono very concerned

"Gyaaaah! L-Listen man, I gotta head off...I need to be somewhere important" Chrono explains, discontinuing the match while holding his left cheek

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