Part 1

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Draco's silvery eyes slowly opened to a commotion around his Slytherin dorm room. One of his close friends, Pansy Parkinson was running around the room, causing his things to become messy and out of order, unlike how he left them.

"Pansy?" He asked, wearily rubbing the tiredness out of his still sleepy eyes. Draco's eye finally adjusted to the scene around him, he became more aware. He grabbed a shirt off of his bedpost and quickly threw it on. "Pansy!" Draco screamed at her, causing her to stop yelling and running around.

"Dray! Look what I got!" She wove around a small slip of paper before going back to yelling excitedly.

"Pansy, you're not allowed in here! Who even let you in?"


Draco rushed to his door before throwing it open to storming over to Blaise Zabini's dorm room.

"Blaise!" Obviously still sleeping before Draco came into the room, he jumped suddenly and hit his head on the wooden bedpost.

"Jesus!" He cried, obviously surprised.

"Why did you let dipshit into my room?" Draco asked.

Blaise got out of bed, went through the same quick routine of grabbing a shirt as Draco did. "She bursted into the common room yelling and screaming about something. I didn't really hear her and I guess I told her the password into the boys dorm rooms."

Draco groaned and slammed his door before heading back to his own dorm.

"Pansy," He began as he came back into the room, "what do you need?" Pansy got up from the chair she had been sitting in and quickly ran up to Draco. She shoved a small slip of paper into Draco's hands before sitting down on Draco's bed. "What is this," He asked, confused.

"Oh, well, It's something that you've needed for a long time!" She giggled. Draco looked back down at the paper and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary on it. It was just a group of number's that held no significance to him.

"Pansy, for Merlin's sake, could you just tell me what it is?" Pansy giggled once more at herself before attempting to calm down.

"Dray, it's a phone number," She said, still trying as she might, to stay calm.

Draco huffed before talking out his small mobile and punching the number through its keys.



Unknown Number

Who's this?


I could be asking the same question.

Unknown Number

Wow, you've got some sass.


🙄 Obviously.

Unknown Number

So, Mr. Sass, why'd you text me?


A close friend of mine gave me this number.

Unknown Number

Why would they want my number?


Beats me. Now, are you going to tell me who you are?

Unknown Number

Dunno, why should I?


Because. How about some hints?

Unknown Number

Mkay. 1) I'm a boy. 2) I'm a Gryffindor, and 3) Not to brag, but, i'M tHe SaViOr Of ThE wIzArDiNg WoRlD.


Wait, Potter?!

Unknown Number



So, I'm talking to Harry bleeding Potter, King of Gryffindor?

Unknown Number

I thought we had established that. Now, are you going to give me hints?


No. I have to go.

Unknown Number

Bye Mr. Sass.

Read at 8:47 A.M.

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