Hog's Head

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"So tell me again where you've got to be," Draco insists as we wind our way down the path towards Hogsmeade.

He's used to having me all to himself on these visits. We usually end up sitting at a table in the back of the Three Broomsticks, talking over the latest common room gossip, or our plans for holidays. He was none too happy to find out I'd be leaving him alone for the first part of the day.

"I've told you, Harry's invited me to some kind of meeting. I'd much rather wander through shops with you, but this is what I'm meant to be doing."

Draco crosses his arms over his chest, shoving his lower lip out, "And why can't I come?"

"Because the second they got wind of you knowing anything about it, the whole thing would come to a halt. Now, if you don't put that lip away I might be inclined to bite it."

This gets a devilish smirk, Draco waggling his eyebrows at me, "Is that a threat, Miss Riddle?"

"Ooh," I laugh back, running my hip into Draco's, pulling his arm over my shoulder, our fingers linking together. "I'll show you a threat, Malfoy."

He presses a kiss to my forehead, "I like it when you talk dirty."

"Don't let your father hear you talking like that, he'd have a cow."

Draco cackles, throwing his head back, blonde hair flopping over his forehead, "Like that time he caught us out at the pond." He breaks into an impression of his father, talking through nearly shut lips, eyes ablaze, "No son of mine! Wait till I tell your mother! Where anyone could have seen you!"

We fall into a fit of laughter.

As we continue our stroll up the main street, I spot Ron, his red hair standing out against the throngs of students pushing their way to various shops. Tipping up on my toes, I press a kiss to the bottom of Draco's chin, "I gotta go. I'll meet you at the Three Broomsticks for lunch."

"Don't let him push you around," Draco answers, kissing the top of my head.


Pushing my way up the street, I catch up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She gives me a reproachful look, stopping their progression through Hogsmeade, "What are you doing?"

"Well, Harry invited me along. Hasn't he told you?"

Hermione turns to Harry, a fire in her eyes, "You told her. Do you know who she spends her time with, huh? What were you thinking?"

"She's not going to tell anyone," Harry responds, trying to dodge out of the way of the book Hermione's using to assault him. "She hasn't told him about my hearing."

Ron and I exchange a look as Hermione continues to hiss at Harry, "Having a good day?"

"Not bad, haven't gotten hit by Hermione yet," Ron answers with a nod. "For the record, I don't really care you're here. Probably good for Harry. He's convinced no one's going to come."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. She doesn't like me much, huh?"

Ron shrugs, "Not sure Harry should trust you, you dating Malfoy and everything. She didn't have a problem with you over summer though. Don't think she likes the way Draco hangs all over you."

We've started to walk again which I take as a good sign. Hermione leads the way, still whispering away to Harry, shooting looks at me over her shoulder every few seconds. "And what do you think, Ron?"

"Oh uh," he shoves a sleeve of biscuits back into his pocket, "none of my business really. So long as you're happy, I guess. Still think he's a git."

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