Where and When

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I wake early the next morning, getting dressed and leaving the common room before anyone else is awake. Wandering down to the Great Hall, I spot Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny sitting together at the far end of the Gryffindor table. Abandoning what would be my usual tired, early morning traipse across the Great Hall to the Slytherin table, I opt instead to slide in next to Ginny.

Ron gives me a puzzled look, talking through a mouthful of food, "'Oof 'ning."

"Good morning to you too, Ron," I answer, grabbing a grape off his plate and sliding it into my mouth.

"We were just telling Harry that he needs to watch his temper around Umbridge," Hermione states matter of factly. "Suppose you could stand to hear it too."

Not willing to take cheek this early in the morning, I stare down Hermione, "She's a cow."

"She's been made High Inquisitor," Hermione retorts, splaying out her copy of the Daily Prophet so we can all see.

Stealing a couple more grapes from Ron's plate, I do my best to read upside down. I'm able to pick up a good bit about the Minister's feelings of unease about what's going on at Hogwarts and how Umbridge will be able to inspect fellow professors before Ron and Harry begin to grumble about the injustice of it all.

"Well," I slide another grape off Ron's plate, chewing it slowly. "It was bound to happen. It's no secret that Fudge is terrified Dumbledore wants his job. He's doing everything in his power to make sure the headmaster looks like a fool. The more professors Umbridge decides should be sacked the more Ministry representatives can move in, the better Fudge looks."

As I go to take yet another grape from Ron's plate, he collects them up, dropping them onto the golden dish sitting in front of me, "Thanks, Ronald."

"I don't think I really had much of a choice," he answers, his eyes shining with a smile, "You were going to eat them anyway."

Running my shoulder playfully into Ron's I glance towards the door of the Great Hall where more students have started to trickle in, Draco is among them. Gathering up my grapes, I give Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny a quick goodbye. There heads tilt together the second I'm gone. Hermione glances after me leading me to suspect they're talking about me. No matter really. So long as Harry keeps thinking of me as a potential friend, Hermione can say whatever vile thoughts swirl through her brain.

"Getting a bit cozy with Potter, don't you think?" Draco grumbles as I slide into the bench at the Slytherin table. "First Defense Against the Dark Art now breakfast."

Dumping my grapes onto the plate that's appeared before me, I bat his hand away from my food, "Jealous?"

"Of Patronus Potter?" Draco lets out a great scoff, "Never."

"Did you see that Umbridge has been made High Inquisitor?"

"What's an Inquitatator?" Goyle grunts out, spooning even more porridge into his already overflowing bowl.

"An Inquisitor, your great buffoon. It means she's got the right to check up on other teachers, sack them if she wants."

Draco sends another nasty look toward Harry and his friends, "Well that's good, isn't it? We've been complaining about the haphazard teaching for years. The Ministry is trying to clean up with school, you know?"

"Oh come off it about the Ministry," I snap back, in no mood for Draco to repeat more of the garbage his fathers likely been spewing over the summer. I know it's his job to keep ears on what Fudge is up to, but it doesn't mean he needs to act like the Minister's lapdog. Quite honestly, I expected a bit more from Lucius. He's already in the hot seat with Voldemort from what I've gathered. "This means we're going to have to see even more of the loathsome toad."

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