Bad Influences

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"I wish you hadn't joined that stupid club," Draco grumbles once he's returned to the common room.

Keeping my back to him, I continue to stare out the window watching the weeds sway back and forth in the water, "Yeah well, I wish you hadn't joined the Inquisitorial Squad, but we all make mistakes."

"Me being on that squad saved your arse tonight."

I don't want to fight, especially not over something as stupid as this. Lately, I'm more frustrated than I've ever been and it leads to nowhere but bickering. I don't understand why I've been asked to befriend Harry. I'm learning nothing, at least nothing more than the Dark Lord could gather for himself. I'm tired of digging for information, of splitting my time between two groups of people, of getting no information. This was supposed to be an honor, something to aid in reaching an end goal. Instead, it's more like wandering down a hall in the dark with my eyes closed searching for a light that doesn't exist. I'd never voice it aloud, but the whole thing is beginning to feel like a massive waste of time.

"What's going on with you?" Draco pushes when I don't respond.

The cushion next to mine dips as he sits, his open palm appearing on my knee, "I'm tired."

"Of what?"

"Of it all. I can't question anything because he'll think I'm not being loyal. When I got asked to do this it seemed so important, but lately, it all just feels like – " I trail off shaking my head " – I'm just tired."

Draco takes my hand, "You are doing something important. He obviously has a plan and you have some part to play in it. Give it time, Bell."

"I have, almost a whole year." Trust Draco. He loves you. You can tell him things. You need him. I chant this over and over, willing myself to open up, to not push him away. I've always shared my thoughts with Draco. I shouldn't have to change that. I promised him nothing would change. "Maybe I've disappointed him, maybe he thinks I can't handle anything important, that I'm just some foolish, useless child."

He gently coaxes my head down onto his shoulder, running his fingers through my hair, "I don't think he thinks that. He trusted you with this for a reason, just give it a little longer."


Striding into Snape's office, I plop down in a low backed chair in front of his desk. Neat stacks of color-coded brochures lay out across the wooden surface. Severus gives me a nod, pressing his elbows into the desktop, fingers tented just under his chin. He wears a pronounced grimace, gaze flicking to something behind me as he clears his throat.

Shifting around, I see her, perched there, legs crossed, standing out a bright pink against harsh shadows and smoothed stone. Letting out a nearly inaudible groan, I spin back towards Snape, giving him an unamused look. He arches an eyebrow as if trying to tell me he shares the sentiment.

"Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to do after school?"

Flicking my gaze over the numerous stacks of brochures, I read over the names: Auror, Muggle Relations, Banking, various teaching positions. A single black pamphlet, sitting just out of line, catches my eye. Scooting forward, I press my finger to it, "What's that one?"

Severus gives me one of his thin-lipped smiles, his eyes glittering as if he knew, as if he purposely left that paper askew, "Unspeakable."

"That's what I want to do."

Behind me, Umbridge lets out the slightest of yelps, trying to cover it as a cough, "I hardly – "

"You know what they do?" Snape continues on as if she hasn't spoken.

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