Chapter 1

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Colin and Stewart were exploring the Moon one-day when Colin saw something...

Colin: Is that an Alien?

Stewart: It looks like a Dude in a Space-Suit

Colin: Oh... Oh Yeah... Like the Ones in the Black Space suits... B...But they have a Viso... *GASP*

Stewart: Colin, you okay?

Colin was stiff as a bored, then he wheezed out...

Colin: It's a B... B... Bla... Bl... BlackTRON!

Stewart froze in his Tracks

Stewart: RUN!

The Blacktron Astronaut turned his head slowly and stared at them...

Colin: Hi... Mr... or Mrs Bla...

The Blacktron ran towards them and jumped on top of them

Colin: AH! Get off!

Stewart: MOMMY!

The Blacktron then graped a small object that looked like a Flashlight

Colin: What du... AHHH!

The Blacktron took a taser and electrocuted the 2 Spacemen, and they both blacked out...

When Colin woke up hours later, he noticed his pockets were torn...

Colin: They STOLE MY WALLET! My Tools... My... STEWAR... Oh... uh... Bro?

Stewart was Naked, with exception of his helmet and air-tanks

Stewart *Snore*... HUH?! Where's my Clothes?

Colin stared at his Brother and Laughed

Colin: HA! HA!

Stewart: hey...

Colin then stood straight

Colin: that guy stole my all my tools, my wallet, your clothes, our Rover, and even the cute little Robot...

Stewart: NOOO!

Colin: Okay... Lets get back home...

When Kenny was the 2 Beat-Up Spacemen approaching, and saw the lack of clothes on Stewart, he was confused and worried

Kenny: What happened?


Kenny: BLACKTRON!? Oh... I knew the Space-Police couldn't handel those guys...

Then they saw Benny's Spaceship taking off

Colin and Stewart: BYE!

Kenny: That's strange... Benny said he'd be at his Doctor's Office today for a Flu-Sho...

Kenny suddenly saw who was driving the Spaceship... A BLACKTRON!

Kenny: Th... Those Blacktreons! GOT BENNY'S SPACESH...

But before Kenny could finish, the Spaceship darted out of sight

Stewart: Oooh, Benny's going to freak...

Kenny: No, he'll be as Crazy as Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Jared Leto, and Joaquin Phoenix's Jokers Combined!

Stewart: ... Uh...

Colin: *Gulp* Were Dead...

Kenny: We'll just have to... A... Tell Benny Calmly...

Everyone Sighed...

Kenny: Or LIE?

Colin and Stewart: Yeah, Yeah...

The End? I THINK NOT! :O

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