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Kiri pov)

So Katsu is gonna be horny for the next 24 hours. Got it. We walk back to the cafeteria, going back to our spots.

"You okay Bakugo? You looked pretty rough." Sero says around a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full asshole! But yeah, I'm better now." He plops down by Sero again, sighing loudly.

"What's wrong Bakugo? You seem to have something on your mind." His head snaps over to Mina as a dark pink color shows on his face. "You're blushing!What happened?" He buries his head in his hands, groaning. "Kiri spill." She slams a hand down on the table and stares at Me.

Well, the quirk Katsu got hit with has some.... side effects." Sero turns to me to.

"Like what?" I open my mouth to talk when Katsu interrupts me.

"Eijirō, shut the fuck up." I nod, snapping my mouth shut. The bell ring and Kaminari comes over to Bakugo, throwing his arm around his shoulder.

"What's the side effect? It's not that bad is it?" He turns, sweeping his leg to hit the back of his knee. He falls, slamming into the ground. Kami groans, rolling on his side and holding his arm. "Point taken." Sero goes over to help Kami up while I walk over to Kat.

"Come on Katsu, it's not that embarrassing." He groans, shoving me away.

"Okay so switch the roles. You got hit with quirk and now you are the one with the side effect. Go ahead, tell them." I blush and look away. "Exactly. Come on, I'm trying to get out of the changing room ASAP." I smirk. Oh yeah, he's gonna love this. The squad makes it to the changing rooms, Mina breaking off at one point. I unbotton my school shirt and glance around quickly for Katsuki. I see him yelling at a laughing Sero. I walk over, placing my hand on Seros shoulder.

"What'd you do this time?" Katsu shuts up, looking over the slight skin showing on my body.

"I fucking hate this quirk." He rips his shirt off, shrugging on his hero shirt.

"Calm down Katsu! It's only 24 hours." He grumbles, frowning at me.

"You try being like this for 24 fucking hours." He Complains, putting his head gear on. I chuckle, walking over to him and wrapping an arm around his waist. I pull him towards me. The squeak that left his mouth got most everyone's attention. "K-Kiri?" I smile, leaning down.

"Don't forget, we have a study session tonight. Alone." I let go and walk away. I glance back and see him frozen, staring at the floor. Sero leans over and whispers something, katsu snaps his head over and grab him by the front of the shirt. He slams Sero into the lockers on the far wall and shoves his gauntlets on and walks out. Deku goes over and helps a obviously hurt Sero up. I sigh, finishing changing and walking out to find Katsuki. I spot him and walk over, he looks mad.

"What the fuck do you want now?!" He snaps, not turning towards me. I sigh, sliding a hand on his back. I see his hand raising, he's gonna blast. I harden my entire body while he shoots. I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong Katsuki?" He groans, yanking his shoulder out of my hand.

"You fucking know what." He finally turns to me. "I'm fucking riled up in more ways than fucking one. I'm pissed and I'm fucking hard. So if you're just gonna continue to bullshit me and tease me kindly fuck off." He walks towards Aisawa, waiting for instructions.

"Bakugo I can tell you're riled up so you're gonna like today. Pick a partner you think you could have a slight chance to win , preferably someone you don't know to well." I see Bakugo walk over to Momo, huh he wants a challenge. I spot Todoroki, this could be fun.

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