Chapter 3: Eleanor Brightburn.

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Rise's life support droned rhythmically as I sat by his bedside. Many hours have passed since we rushed into Lightwark's central hospital. The light surgeons did their best to stabilise him but now, all he needed was rest as he was expected to enter another operation to repair some more of the damage he took from the fight. I've known Rise for five years now, but this was my first time seeing him so still. I watched as he laid there peacefully, not really sure what to do with myself. Suddenly his hospital room swung open tearing me away from my daydream and I stood up quickly.

"Oh! Eleanor! They said you would be in here.", a woman dressed in scrubs entered the room confidently as she stepped towards Rise, checking his temperature and taking his readings from the life support. I looked at her in puzzlement as I had no idea how she knew my name or who I was.

"Oh of course..." she giggled and removed her surgical mask "...Sorry, I wear it so much I forget that its even on, it's me, Ophelia Lightyear". She looked back at Rise sadly and proceeded in taking a blood pressure reading.

"OCPD showed me the CCTV footage of what happened by the gallery. He took quite the blow huh."

Not really in mood for conversation, I just nodded in response.

"How's the little girl?" I asked quietly in attempt to change the subject.

Ophelia explained to me that girl was concussed from being knocked over amidst the altercation but other than that, the OCPD were able to find and contact her guardians. Now, she's safe home recovering which was good! Rise would be happy to know he was able to protect someone at least. Still, the image of Nox felt like it had burnt itself into the back of my retinas; there was something about the fight with the group's leader that I just can't seem to shake off. Could they be involved in the disappearance of Leo?

Ophelia continued to examine rise, checking his vitals and quickly noting them down as she went along. Suddenly it came to me, Ophelia is the sister of Nova Lightyear, the hero who went missing alongside Leo Starborn.

"Sorry to hear about your brother." I bowed  respectfully. Ophelia's pencil came to a halt, the lead slightly snapping unexpectedly. There was a long pause between the two of us, the silence only being taken away from Rise's life support machine which continued to pulse in the background.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mention-"

"-Everyone seems to only have Leo on their mind." Finally, she broke her silence. I guiltily looked away, ashamed that even for me, Nova was just an afterthought.

"And I get that" She continued, "Leo Starborn. Our shining Hero. Our symbol of Peace." she said mockingly.

"But what about my brother?" A tear slowly rolled down her cheek, making impact with her note pad as her pencil came to life and resumed scribbling quickly while she slowly returned to examining Rise. I was speechless, I couldn't even imagine what she must be going through and here she is taking time to tend to Rise.


She stopped once again and turned to look at me but this time smiling however, I could tell she was doing her best to fight back her tears.

"Eleanor, it was good to see you, but I should prepare Rise for his operation, you should leave."

I sighed and looked back at Rise for the last time. I watched as his chest rose and fell as breathed, placing my hand next his to make sure I can still feel his warmth. He'll be okay, It won't be long until we are on hero work together again. I smiled at the Ophelia once more slowly bowing in gratitude and made my way for the door. It's been a long couple days.

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