Chapter One

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This chapter takes place in 1929, New Orleans. Alastor is twenty nine years old. 


The grandfather clock in the hallway rang twice, reminding him once again he should've been sleeping. However, if he were to sleep in his own bed, it would've had to be with his wife. He would rather stay in his office as long as possible as he didn't really like sleeping with her. Her being his "wife", the woman who had agreed to spend her life here out of interest for herself. His job gave a hefty salary, and it was a desirable opportunity for a woman with nothing. It was not a loving relationship, more like a mutual partnership where both parties benefited from the union. She was able to live in good conditions, and he was able to improve his alibis.

He heard a soft creak behind him as his office door opened, along with the sound of two small, sock-covered feet padding over to his side. Of course, nothing would support the alibis more than a small child, whom the investigators might sympathize with. No one would want to take a man from his family. Although, he didn't really think of them as a family, for he did not love his wife, and only felt mild affection when looking upon his offspring.

She demanded his attention as well as an exhausted toddler could, gently tugging on his sleeve. He looked over to her small form with a slight amount of concern, as she had been put to bed many hours earlier. Her short and shiny blonde waves framed her face, and her soft brown eyes were clouded with sleep.

"Gwendolyn, why are you awake? Mother and I put you to bed already." He asked her in a hushed whisper. It didn't seem right to talk at normal volume when it was two in the morning. She rubbed her eye and sleepily reached upwards, asking him to pick her up. He did so.

"Daddy, why are you awake?" she whispered back, looking up at him. To the little girl, her father could do no wrong, and she idolized him. So, of course, when a nightmare dared to disrupt her slumbers, she went to him. She wondered if he had been plagued with nightmares, and if that was why he remained awake.

"I have a lot of work to do. You should go back to sleep." he told her, little emotion showing on his face other than apprehension as to why she was up so late in the night. She made no verbal response, instead closing her eyes and snuggling up to him. She was doing exactly what he had told her to. Going back to sleep. It always surprised him how affectionate his child could be, especially when no one else except perhaps his own mother had shown him as much affection as the child sleeping in his arms. He hadn't needed or wanted it.

He could hear her breathing slow and felt her heart rate drop, indicating she had fallen back asleep. Sighing to himself, Al stood and took her back to her own bedroom. As he did so, he felt her hands grasp the fabric of his shirt immediately, and knew he'd have a hard time getting her to let go. He was still not used to having to take care of a child. He often had to remind himself that she was practically still a baby, and clearly wouldn't think the same way an adult would. He also had to mind his dangerously short temper.

If he wanted to keep her as close to him as she was, he had to act as a Good Father. He needed to keep her on a short leash without her realizing it, needed her to stay adoring, if she was going to be valuable. If she stayed as devoted as she was currently, he'd have no problem getting her to help cover up his tracks. Additionally, her affections towards him over her mother gave a huge boost to his already massive ego.

Approaching her room, he glanced at the clock. Two-fifteen AM. Perhaps it would be okay to try and sleep now...

Looking into his own bedroom, he quickly dismissed this idea. His wife was sprawled across the bed and it would've been a hassle to try and fit into the remaining space on his side, if he was going to go to sleep it would more likely be on the couch. Not too bad, it was comfy, but it wasn't a bed. Oh well, better than someone else taking up all the space. And there was the television in there too, not so bad at all.

Gwendolyn's room had walls the color of scalloped coral and a small bed with a medium brown frame tucked in the corner. Her wool blanket and teddy bear had been cast to the side, probably as a result of her getting up and seeking her father out. She shifted in his arms and wrapped her arms around him, which would make it harder to remove her.

After he had attempted fruitlessly to pry her little hands from his shirt, she opened her eyes again to plead, "Daddy stay? There's a monster in my room..." she pouted and looked at him with fear in her eyes. He sighed and nodded, thinking he may as well. Having found humor in her statement though, he chuckled, "Yes there certainly is... but they are not out to get you. Not tonight, at least."

Thank you for reading, these probably wont be in order for a while, but I'll put the date every time I update. 

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