Sappy Chapter

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Like I said in the author's note, these are all in the wrong order. This is a sappy chapter of Annie (Al's wife) and Husk, because I ship them. A lot. For a good reason. 

Bei mir bist du schön, love."

"I don't understand what you said, but I liked the last part." Annie giggled and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, keeping her close and secure to his person, planting kisses on the top of her head and nuzzling her as an affectionate feline might. He wouldn't dare behave like this in public, or with Gwen around, but when alone with his lady friend, he couldn't help it. There were times he felt like putty in her small hands.

He wasn't used to a constant female presence in his home quite yet, but the past few months had been fine, almost pleasant. Especially with the benefit of a new bed partner, who acted more like a spouse than a roommate.

"It means, to me you are beautiful." he spoke into her ear, enjoying the way she blushed at his words and relaxed so easily when he was close like this.

"I'll be sure to remember that, was that German?" she was beaming.

"Correct. I know you prefer Italian," he continued giving her little kisses, "but I don't think it really matters, you're perfect in every language."

"Oh, you..." her blush reached the tips of her ears, her eyes sparkling. That sparkle was better than any cigarette or drink he could've ordered, more intoxicating by a mile. He wanted to make her eyes sparkle like that all the time, if possible.

Even when they were alone, he wasn't usually this flirtatious. But she loved sappy romance stuff, so he figured this would be a nice treat for her at the end of a long week filled with legal matters and inheritance issues. Al had died several months ago, but somehow still troubled her from the grave, so she deserved a little TLC.

She loved it when he spoke in different languages, she didn't understand it all the time but when it came to compliments it seemed to make her happier than just saying it outright. And, on a useful note, he could say what he wanted without the embarrassment of actually having to admit what he felt for her. This time, he used Italian. It was her favorite, after all.

"Mi sono persa nei tuoi occhi." I'm lost in your eyes. "Ho un debole per te." I'm weak for you. (this is one of the phrases he would not translate for her) "Vieni qui e baciami." Come here and kiss me. And with that, he kissed her, knowing the language itself made her weak in the knees. She melted at the contact, allowing him to pick her up and move to their room to make love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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