May You Find Your Happiness : That One Girl

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Hey guys its me again and i give you the third chapter enjoy.

Chapter 3- That One Girl

          After that whole fiasco with Twilight, Spike and Trixie Richie decided to take a walk and clear his thoughts. As he was about to leave his house he felt something. He felt as if something was holding him back. It reminded him of a ghostly feeling on his shoulder. He thought that it was just a kinda awkward feeling of being alone. He shrugged it off then went outside. He took a deep breath in and said “Ah I love the smell of fresh air in the morning”. Richie didn’t have an exact destination so he just decided to walk around his town. After a few hours he realized it was getting late and decided to head home.

          While walking home Richie passed the same place where he met Twilight and Spike. He was waking faster as it started to rain. While walking he saw someone from across the street. It was a young girl and she was beautiful.  Her body was perfect and didn’t have a single flaw what-so-ever. She had long pink hair and strong cyan eyes. She was wearing a bright yellow sweater coat and yellow mittens. She wore a long pink skirt with yellow stripes, a hot pink shirt underneath her sweater and black leather boots. While he was “admiring” her he unknowingly crossed the street. He was then hit by a car that quickly sped off. The car made tire burns on the street which caught the girl’s attention. Richie was dazed and had no time to comprehend what had just happened. His eye sight got blurry and he could see the girl that he was admiring. She was on her knees in front of his body on the floor. He could just barley hear her say “Oh my god are you ok!” “Hello HELLO!!!” “I have to call 911” before he blacked out.

          He awoke hours later in a hospital bed. He heard someone say “Look he’s waking up”. “Huh? Where am - AHHHHH?” He said as he tried to get up. “You’re in a hospital and be careful you need to rest” said the girl that was in his hospital. “She’s right you injured three ribs you must stay in bed” a male doctor said. Richie looked down to see his stomach rapped in bandages. “This young woman saved your life you should be very grateful” the doctor said. The doctor looked at his watch and said “Excuse me a moment”. He then left the room. Richie and the girl very awkwardly stood there in the hospital room. “So what’s your name?” Richie said. “Oh sorry my name is Fluttershy” she said timidly as she held out her hand. “I’m Richie, Richie Jumbo” he said. After some awkward waiting Richie said “So you live around here?” “Yeah I live about two blocks away from here on Elm St” she said. “Cool I live on Roosevelt”. Richie and Fluttershy continued their conversation talking about whatever subject they could think of.

          Fluttershy had decided to stay with Richie in the hospital since he had no one else to come and see him. She seemed really shy about meeting new people though over time she was no longer shy around Richie and they became good friends through circumstance but she would still get shy every once and a while. About a week later they were still in the hospital just watching TV, while a commercial came on Fluttershy said “So are you new in town?” Richie said “Yeah I have only been here a week. I moved here from New Jersey”. Fluttershy asked “Oh so what did you come to Cali for?” “Well I came here for a fresh start on life” Richie said. Fluttershy turned her head and said “How you’re only 11 years old?” “Well I wasn’t doing so great in school so my moms, made me come here and go to the school across town” Richie lied. “So you mom figured that you would do better here right” Fluttershy said. “Basically” Richie said.

          Richie was only at the hospital for a week until he was okay to go home. He was still hurt but the doctor told him that he should be careful about any physical activity. Richie had really got to know Fluttershy and really liked her. He was sad that they had to just leave like that. They walked out the hospital together and then looked at each other. It was kinda awkward because they were saying goodbye so unexpected. Richie said “Well I guess this goodbye”. “Right so goodbye then” she said. Fluttershy held out her hand. Richie shook her hand then they turned around and walked in the opposite directions. As he walked all he could think about was her. He thought about how you could get lost in her electric eyes. How her body was perfect. How he had been waiting his whole life for a girl like that. A girl that is beautiful but not stuck up but one that was kind and compassionate and Fluttershy was that girl. Before he knew it he was in front of his house. He sighed then walked in. Richie got into his pajamas and jumped into bed. He couldn’t sleep all he could do was think of her. He constantly looked at his clock trying to sleep. As he finally fell asleep he dreamt of Fluttershy. He saw her on a porch overlooking the sun rising over the sea as he ran up to her and hugged her. They kissed passionately then a darkness type of figure gathered around them and then all he could see was black. Then a mysterious demonic voice say “How much will you ender before you could be with her” Richie quickly sat up in his bed and yelled. He looked at his clock; it was 3:00 in the morning. He got out of bed then went downstairs to clear his head and calm down. He walked into a little walk in closet that had his piano set up. It was a secret that he liked to play piano. He never really talked about it because he didn’t want people constantly breathing down his neck watching him. There were a few other instruments in the room. His mother probably put them there. He sat down on a little stool then played a few keys not in an exact order then found a pattern that he liked he then began to sing.

Just stare me down with those electric eyes

No matter how hard I try,

I can't escape that gaze tonight

That girl's up in the atmosphere

That girl's up in the atmosphere

I'm hypnotized by the way she moves

Baby girl please help me soon,

Imma take you to sun and the moon

That girl's up in the atmosphere

That girl's up in the atmosphere Yeah

And I've been catching myself thinking of it

It’s 3 in the morning,

Every day I chase after her

But I can't catch lightning

Catching myself thinking of it

It's 3 in the morning,

Every day I chase after her

But I can't catch lightning

No I can't catch lightning

She'll make you believe anything she wants

Make you think that you're the one

She will keep you there

That girl's up in the atmosphere

She's way up in the atmosphere

And I've been catching myself thinking of it

It's 3 in the morning,

Every day I chase after her

But I can't catch lightning

Catching myself thinking of it

It's 3 in the morning,

Every day I chase after her

But I can't catch lightning

No I can't catch lightning

Oh I can't catch lightning

Yeah, I can't catch lighting

Just stare me down with those electric eyes

No matter how hard I try,

I can't escape that gaze tonight

That girl's up in the atmosphere

That girl's up in the atmosphere

That girl's up in the atmosphere oh

She's way up in the atmosphere

Before he started singing again he looked at the moonlight that was glistening and he immediately thought of Fluttershy. He looked down and started playing it again.

And I've been waiting, waiting, waiting for you


Chasing after things that you do

But I can't catch lightning

Waiting, waiting, waiting for you


Chasing after things that you do

But I can't catch lightning

No I can't catch lightning

No I can't catch lightning

Oh I can't catch lightning

I can't catch lightning.

After he finished singing the song he saw the time it was already 3:30 then ran upstairs to his bed then hopped into bed again. This time he went straight to sleep. He was eager for the next day another day of life in California which had been better than he could have ever imagined and he had only been there for two weeks! You know except the fact that he got hit by a car.

Okay guys well that was the third chapter. I hope that you enjoyed and please continue to read. The song that i used was Alex Goot sing his original song Lightning

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