The former assassin

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(skip to 1:02) 

lets do this! Time to go to "work".I put on my dark grey shirt,my black sleeveless leather jacket , sliding in my finger less gloves ,snug pants with the iconic and sexy combat boots I own, with my bandages, my black bandanna sliding my glasses. I was ready to go tear his sorry butt up! Right as I started to head out of I noticed the shattered mirror, taking note of my body from head to toe ...

"Now that i think about it my hair needs a full on a new style kinda like...OH! a fuck you kinda way!" I said to myself knowing exactly what I was about to do i brushed it down looked over at another weapon i got from a friend not to long was a nice sharp katakana, officially made in japan. I placed the katakana on the length, I wanted it sliding my hair with ease leaving the hair on the floor. I slowly made my hair to its natural cue smiling a bit at myself. I grabbed my ax heading out to the room. As I went into the living room too  see Sam look over at me with worry finishing up his Hash browns (Hashies for short) placing his food down before he holds my hands "You sure you can do this by yourself." I nodded.

"I am just going to quit, but if his dolls fight, I will fight back." he looks down before looking straight in my eyes that struck with sorrow"Beat the shit outta them!" he kissed me gently as I kissed back "Ill be back by dinner." Sam gave a sad smiled a little,moving out of the way. "See you then."Sam spoke. I teleport-ed away to the base before I headed  towards the "Lord's" room before seeing his sly smile.

 "Yo raven whats up! did you manage to kill the drug dealers?" I felt shivers going down my spine hearing that sentence Taking a breath I teleport two of their heads that I kept...just because I was forced too. He smirked once I tossed  them at him giving out a low growl "Hmm whats up sis? Also your hair looks different today too looks nice on you."

"Okay first off do not call me sis ! Second of all I quit!" His smiling face turned into a frown in an instant, letting out chuckling "Excuse me? Did I hear that right? there must be something in my ear." I then yelled out clearly having enough"THEN READ MY GODDAMN LIPS! I QUIT!" he then glares at me "You can't just leave here like its some sort of job! you are not someone in power like me so then in this case I own you!

There was silence that went around the room,Water trickling down my cheeks like a very slow lake ...a sudden small gentle... laugh came out of my mouth It grew more tense, the silence still filled the room to a point where it got demonic and blaring! Ed remained glaring at me "This is all I am to you?!" my head twitched "You only think of me as a you?...You think I'll obey you and work for your dirty deeds Like, i'm your loyal dirty naive little slave, You only think of me as doll, you treat me worse than a goddamn doll! I get mindlessly m-" as I kept rambling, he teleport in front of me wrapping his hands up against my neck I choked out loudly. This is way more than 5 people combined! I grabbed onto his hand trying to break free. 

"Kid... you have two options stay with your pretty ass with us or end up dying alone in an open casket" I needed to think of something quick! But there was nothing that came to my mind, my throat clogging up as if he was popping a bottle cap from a soda, I started to hear only muffle's unable to breath much-it felt like a nose wrapping up around me. I needed help I wanted to scream at him but what only had came out was "Y-you will never rule th-this world as king!"

his grip tighten quickly nearly getting close to snap my neck i try tilting my head ever so slightly to find the statues with me right next to Vega...then at the lava of the par-core maze...this was when I thought I was a dummy for not thinking of this sooner seance lava has fire, getting reminded at the fact that I can control fire here. I gathered enough strength to have a full blast of fire come towards him, Seeing him let go of me and doge the fire quickly. I collapsed as coughing heavily before I got up to run out despite, the lack of breath I was having. I hear Ed yelling from across the room. "FALAKE! KNOCK HER OUT AND DRAG HER ASS BACK IN HERE!" I tried running to the exist once I got close  she landed in front of me shoving her end of the spear straight in my stomach I backed up as she went for a kick doing a front flip as she aims her spear right on me I grabbed it and threw her out of her own spear making her collapse to the blue tiles, throwing the spear at a few solders when a bunch of them headed in.

I ended up surrounded however when one grabbed the spear, dropping it to the floor. I stood there for a bit breathing heavily, as my vision slowly came back to normal looking around,looking at each doll there is. I counted all of those"Dolls". "One two three four five six seven eight nine.." I counted 17 in total "Wow 17 of you and one of me" I start to tear up making a almost- sad expression "what is a poor demon to do~" I took out a tissue from my pocket wiping my tears before blowing my nose onto it having smoke come out from  the tissue. The gas flooded everywhere in the room. lucky for me I was wearing a bandanna and glasses, so the smoke didn't get to me that easily. I see them cough and gag a bit before I ran up to  jump kicking both solder's heads into each other, smashing their skulls open, doing a flip as i kicked another one in the stomach quickly making an entrance for me to escape the base but make it to the part where their is planes flying in and out seeing a few more running up to me  one tried to shoot me with a silver bullet.

I doge quickly having to land onto my feet, I ran up to the one who nearly shot me I kicked the gun out of his hands, elbowing him in the neck, he grabbed my wrist, tossing me  to the sky , before up flying up with his goddamn jet packs, kicking right on my dam crotch, punching me over and over having to cause a few tears on my body  then manged to fall down to the floor seeing a whole bunch of them piling up on me making sure I'm unable to move i]teleported my ax, I screamed out making a huge wave of sound making them all fly out to different places slicing,sliding and chopping the solders down managing to take down almost everyone with ease but right as i was about to fight the next one I felt a gunshot straight in my wing while I was in the sky.

My only chance was to escape !  I tried to fly with one wing shaking a bit seeing them chase me I collapse onto a rooftop on the city turning, invisible as I see them surround the block ....I see ed looking very pissed yelling at everyone. I had to escape back home quickly... I snapped my fingers landing onto the bed  with my only wing that bleeds out a bit I snapped over small tewsers to slowly take out the bullet letting out a pretty loud whimper of pain, knowing no ones around at this time.I snapped to have a badge wrapped around the wing to stop the wound from bleeding 

....hh i cant wait until Vega founds out I quit! He is going to kill me if he dos.Its been a night and half a day my wing is better yes but its going to be a bit harder for me to carry a few people now while escaping, whiskers has already drained all the money from him so that's good lease I can relax until Vega comes ba- SHIT I HEAR HIM NOW! "GLADYS YESENIA NUNEZ COME OVER HERE!" goes nothing

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