The bull fighter vs the blood thirsty bull

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Raven's POV 3/24/18

3:45 PM 

I threw the bandanna and bandages down,knowing someone such as him hates an ugly woman like me taking there equipment off.I headed down the red stairs that was newly red carpentered floor I hear the fire crackles up against my sensitive ear of the the fire place  "Hola Raven.". I quickly looked at the couch, that blonde bitch sitting in his fancy ass.his voice was cold, you could feel the the fire, the very walls of the  room tense up. "....Hello...Vega." He turned his head over at me."Do you know why I brought you here mi armor~?" He says as as I tilt my head to the right ever so slightly, seeing him put his shoulder over the couch. "N-no why?" I say slightly scared before he moved up my own fucking journal my only breach of privacy i had left was there  in this fucking claws!. "Where did you-"

"I say you are quiet the writer! Stories about your past, your fantasies, How you betrayed shadaloo...." he says as he gripped onto it. "And cheated on me with some pale VAMPIRE!" He says as he looked over at me, before throwing my journal away, letting my only privacy I had, burned onto the fire. "Do you know what happens to ugly creatures, like you, break a mans heart..along with so many others who loved you?". He says as he dose a back-flip, pinning me on the wall, with his claw near my neck covering my mouth. "I didn't want to do this to you amor~ but you have toyed with everyone around you...Now your very life is on the line with the assassin !" I squirmed a bit as some of his claw slightly graze my neck.

My eyes turned into a deep blue, becoming afraid, on what this very monster in front of me has become! "Such a pathetic little strong and ugly to be human...too monstrous weak and hideous to be a diabla or succubus."I started to glare at him, before my ax came running straight near Vega he donged, Letting go of my neck, gripping onto my ax by the handle,  kicking his chest as hard as I could swinging it at him he backed up a bit, doing a back flip "Do you really want a fight now?! Please, you can barley survive by yourself you will get beaten or killed in an instant!" he says moving forward 

"I much rather die out in the streets, then by having my blood on your ugly face!" 

He glared as his pupils went small in an instant before putting on his mask. "Fine, so be it...fight me win and you will leave, if lose and head back to Shadaloo" I thought for a second before getting into a fighting stance "Bring it pretty boy" he smirked before the whole house started to break, having to leaver a roaring crowd having two women dance on the background a man drinking, live music is being played in the background. I  saw ed sitting on a throne on his own glaring at me I saw numbers counting down...

10...9...8... as time was counting down time slowed down for me.I looked around the roaring crowd getting more and more tense and excited, then at the cameras. That made me smile a bit knowing that, people  all over the world are, watching me go against one of the toughest fighters out there...I zoned back in seeing this "pretty boy" look at me in disgust ...I could see it in his snake like eyes.Holding his very rose in his hair that he gave to me I hear the crowd yelling with the count down. "3...2....1." the horn went on and a very cage dropped down around us both.

I teleport right in front of him giving a straight punch at his gut doing a double spin front flip, wrapped my legs around him. Before  could even do anything he grabbed onto my leg and tossed me against the side of the cage. I manged to lift my leg before slamming him at the floor teleport in front of him stomping at his chest he doges, rolling back onto his feet doing two back flips as i  kicked his face and chest both managing to miss.

 he took out the rose off of his hair, throwing it straight at me I ducked, to see him launching himself at me,I then layed down, grabbed onto his wrist before kicking straight in his stomach with both of my feet, before he hit the floor, my wings opens up, kicking straight at his jaw. I see him fly up near the mural, with my Wings gathering enough strength to lift off, kicking him straight at his mask making it crack open having a part of his face shown. I  kicked his cheek hard enough, to break off another piece.

 Vega being the swift bitch he is he then grabbed onto my wrist once I was going to throw a punch at him then manged to put his legs around my waist grabbing onto some of my feathers  tearing some apart managing to having me to fall down, my wings became very unbalance, hitting the floor head first ,as he then flips me over the second time, my skull to slightly break i collapsed to the floor as he bowed once he landed on his graceful ass before glaring at me looking at the floor seeing his very reflection...this is when he then looked up at me with the most pissed off face in the universe.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU RUINED MY FACE! I WILL KILL YOU!" charged at me giving me a look that describes. "I fucking hate you!" I manged to get up he jumped up sliding my face,  doing a front flip while, kicking my gut hard enough to me go up in the air.My eyes go into a somewhat dark blue coughing out some blood, before I felt a very punched me with his fist and claw before clawing at my stomach pretty deep having to land on my back, hearing his wicked and twisted cackle, while he lands seeing my bleeding and collapsed body leaning on the cage.He gave a small devil like smirked before walking up to me before he easily grabbed onto my bleeding neck lifting me up off of my feet hearing the crowd cheer for him.

My tears dripping down my cheeks, his cold hands wrapped around my neck, he smirk at me before letting out a chuckle. "lets face it ~ Your skills are very impressive~ but not enough to survive." he throws me down as my breath was slowly tensing looking up at him my vision going into a blur, seeing double, my chest feeling the weight of a bull. "You are nothing without us!" my eyes flared up into a red fire quickly having to throw a fire ball at him his mask, quickly melting off getting onto his face. It was enough to make his skin boil, he stopped dropped ad roll to put the flame out of his face. This bitch was lucky enough to only have half of his face still good looking  ... I threw another one at him again he then doge to the side before the fire hit the cage and wall, having the place to then burn, slowly leaving a whole on ring of fire just the two of us.

I hear screaming ,panicking, and footsteps...I  never heard that much screaming in a long time I looked at  some of his skin, hearing him screaming in pain. This made me want to laugh seeing his face dissolve into rubber/ashes. I  slowly got up with what I have left, unable to see Vega well he then ran towards me before he ran over to me tackled while garbing onto my wing clawing it over and over.Feeling his claws up against my wing l  screamed out in pain finally getting enough of it, I blasted him up the sky before my wings poofed into my back, teleportation up in the air as i then punched his stomach constantly screaming, crying, out of fear and pain before I wrap my leg around his arm quickly, taking off Vega's  claw off his nasty hand then hop on top of him to then kick him down. I landed on my feet aiming his claw at him he tries to get up but barley could place a hand to sit up. " won..." he chuckled "Impressive is it not?" "SHUT UP YOU NARCISSISTIC BITCH!" "Or else what? are you going to kill me like a basic bitch?!"

I stayed silent as I was aiming at him before my arm started to shake...he saved my life when I was stuck in that very cave...the only thing I could think of that very moment was "I cant..Not yet yet..."this man has giving me everything from riches to pain...all I could do was this.

 I dropped his very claw on the floor, without saying a word I let water start to drip around the fire distinguishing it all in just a few seconds. "A life...for a life although I wish to see you crumble in the very ugly state you have become!" I headed out of the building weak my legs and arms shaking, sweating, crying in major pain. I kept walking before my legs couldn't carry themselves any longer ....

I can see a light...

The end 

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