Day 5 - [Part One]

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FanXing woke up to an empty bed. Xiao Zhan wasn't in the room as he took a good look around. The room looks okay. With cream colored walls, normal things you find in a room and a bloody wardrobe. Wait... Bloody wardrobe? Holding the metal bat in hand, FanXing slowly moved towards the wardrobe. With caution he slowly opened the door to reveal a dead man sitting inside the wardrobe with clothes all over him and a knife impaled right on his heart. The man's face was veiny, just like the zombies earlier that they have encountered. Eyes white, teeth yellow with a bit of red color in it, face deathly pale and the rotten smell that makes you want to just throw up.

"A-Xing breakfast is rea--" Xiao Zhan didn't get to finish his words as he saw the bloody scene. How can he not notice it earlier. Well it was probably because he woke up really early and it's still dark outside and he didn't want to open the lights since it might wake FanXing who was sleeping so soundly earlier. He stood beside a shock looking FanXing. Examining the body he took the metal bat from FanXing before pushing him aside and swinging it towards the man smashing his head. The sight made FanXing want to throw up then and there. Even though the man was already a zombie and even got impaled in the heart he didn't even moved a bit. As if a stab in the heart paralyzes them, making them unable to move at all.

"A-Xing get Xu Kai here now." FanXing gave a quick nod before running out of the room. Xiao Zhan slowly pulled out the knife which was used to stab the man's heart. Xiao Zhan also realized what was going on. Maybe the walkers can be stopped without having to smash their heads everytime. That way it won't be too bloody.

"What's going on Xiao Zhan. I told you to get FanXing not let him get me instead." Xu Kai said as he still didn't notice the dead body. He was busy looking at his phone but when he looked up he also had the same shocked reaction as them earlier. He quickly took a look at the dead man with smashed head, then towards Xiao Zhan who's still holding the bloody knife in hand.

"Xu Kai... I think the walkers have another weakness now. I'm not really sure but this guy was already a walker yet he didn't move as his heart was impaled with this knife. He was just sitting there doing nothing, not even attacking FanXing when he opened the door of this wardrobe. I think if we impale them in the heart they'll be paralyzed, unable to move." Xiao Zhan explained as he gave the bloody knife to Xu Kai who immediately examined it. Xiao Zhan's conclusion was possible and all but it was too risky if that was the method they have to use. They have to get close to the walkers, like really close to stab them in the heart. The walkers might just suddenly grab you or scratch your hands with their bloody nails.

But with a bow and an arrow, maybe they can do it. But you have to be a good shooter for it to work and impale them directly on their heart. Also it will consume a lot of arrows which is not a good thing. But what good will paralyzing them do? They are already dead and there's no possible way to save them. The best way is to end their suffering by killing them already.

"We can't go with this weakness Xiao Zhan it's too risky if we do that. And what good will paralyzing them bring us? Nothing. Now let's just forget this and have breakfast. After that we'll go to one of the malls here in Changsa and look for a suitable weapon for FanXing as well as a few more medicines. I also need to find some things that'll help sharpen our weapons. And a few leather clothes for FanXing as well." Xiao Zhan gave a nod before closing the wardrobe. They all headed down and began eating what Xu Kai had cooked which is pancakes, bacons and eggs that he found in the fridge. Once they're done, they all headed out making sure to lock the house. They didn't leave anything behind and the pups are now inside the trailer.

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