𝟏.𝟏𝟖 - 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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The Hogwarts Express blew steam out its smokestack as you hopped on board. During the confusion of your last day, you had gotten separated from Harry and the others. You had hoped to find them again at the station but you were unsuccessful in your searches. Instead, you loaded up your things and swung your bag over your shoulder, realizing that you were once again boarding alone. 

 At the very end of the car, you spotted a familiar head of blonde hair and your heart fluttered. "Draco!" You called out excitedly, ignoring the lurching of the train beginning to move as you skipped closer to him. He paused, turning around and waiting for you to catch up with a puzzled look written on his face. 

"What are you doing in the Slytherin cabin?" He asked.

You looked around, eyeing all of the other students sitting in their own respective groups. "I don't know if you knew this, Draco," you said, "But I just so happen to be in the same house as you and everyone else in this car."

He shook his head and pointed past you to the door dividing this car from the next. "Potter and his friends are back there," he gestured to the door that divided this car from the one occupied mostly by Gryffindors. You looked at the door disapprovingly. 

"I don't want to sit with Harry," you argued. "I want to sit with you."

"You do?" Draco looked shocked for a moment before composing himself and running a hand down his neatly combed hair. "I mean, of course you do. Follow me." He continued to guide you down the tight hallway before stopping in front of a compartment and pulling open the sliding door. Seated inside were Pansy and Blaise, both of whom looked up to greet you when you entered. 

"(Y/N)!" She nearly jumped, scooting her things over so that you could sit down next to her. "I didn't think you would be riding back with us."

You slumped down in your seat, tossing your bag onto the floor by your shoes. You were about to reply to her comment when Draco cut in, scoffing defensively with his elbow propped up on the window sill. "Of course she's riding with us. She's a Slytherin isn't she?"

The train lurched once more and the Hogsmeade station began to pass by the windows, soon replacing your view with wide rolling hills and green countryside. You hadn't paid much attention to the scenery on your arrival to the school and you were finally taking it in for the first time. 

 You wondered briefly if your parents would be waiting for you when you arrived or if they would just send the car for you as they had done to drop you off in September. It was hard to think you hadn't been at home, your real home, in over a year. Would your new house still feel as foreign and unwelcoming when you returned?

Draco and Blaise were deep into a conversation when Draco casually reached up the sleeve of his robes to scratch his forearm, exposing a thin strip of green and white across his wrist. You blinked, immediately recognizing it as the bracelet you had gifted him for Christmas. You didn't think he'd actually wear it. 

 Pansy nudged you with a mischievous smile on her thin lips. "Oh Draco," she sighed, "I just love your bracelet. Where did you get it?"

His eyes flickered to yours briefly. You half expected him to cover it up again and insist no one mentioned it, but instead he drew his sleeve back and began to admire it in the overhead light of the cabin. "It's exclusive," he explained with the ghost of a smile gracing his lips. "The only one like it in the world. It's very special to me."

Pansy gawked, turning to you with a knowing look. You were beyond flustered at his words but you managed to nod along, pretending to be none the wiser.

Before you knew it, the train had pulled into Kings Cross Station and children began pouring out of every compartment and cabin, bursting from the exits to greet their family. You waited for the waves of first-years to pass before standing from your seat and making your way to the exit, hopping down the steps onto the red brick platform.

Steam from the train had created thick grey clouds overhead and you coughed, waving a hand over your face. Pansy, Draco, and Blaise followed close behind you, gathering their luggage onto vacant carts. You found your things right away and stood next to Pansy as she heaved her cat's crate onto the cart.

She sighed and stood back up, looking past you. "I see my parents," she whined, lower lip quivering slightly. "I have to go."

You gave her a long hug goodbye, telling her that you would write to her every week over the summer until you could see her again. She was nearly in tears as she waved one last time over her shoulder, almost tripping over a first-year boy as she pushed through the masses toward her family.

"Firethorn," Draco's familiar voice purred. You rolled your eyes and looked over to see him leaned against the side of the train. His face was just as smug as always. "You're going to wear out my name, Draco, and what will you call me then?"

He wiggled his eyebrows and stood upright to help you load your trunk onto the cart. "I haven't decided yet. Do you have any suggestions?"

You swatted him on the arm and he pretended to be gravely wounded for a moment. With a laugh, you began pushing your cart toward the exit. Draco followed close behind you. You assumed he had some type of servant doing the heavy lifting for him, taking care of his things. 

 "I had a great time with you this year," he mumbled, hand cupping the back of his neck.

"Besides all those times when you were the worst person on the planet?" You countered. 

He laughed nervously and shook his head. "Especially those times."

You turned to look at him head-on, cart parked right in front of the gateway to the muggle world. A serious look grew over his features and he took a step closer. "I think I'm actually going to miss you," he whispered. 

You grinned optimistically and poked his chest. "I'm writing to you too, you know. You can't get away from me that easily."

A family of wizards pushed past you, walking through the wall into Kings Cross. You pulled your cart to the side and out of their way, watching them morph through the brick one by one. "Can I do one last thing before you go?" Draco asked, clearing his throat.

You were about to nod when you felt his finger underneath your chin, guiding your face toward his. His eyes fluttered shut as his lips pressed roughly into yours. You gasped, eyes widening as you nearly jumped back before slowly melting into his kiss. His hand under your chin pulled you closer and held you there. When he finally pulled away, his breath came out in short pants and he studied your face for a moment before pulling his hand away.

His kiss was very much unlike Harry's. It was more confident and demanding, less like a suggestion and more like a statement. You could feel his longing and frustrations through his lips and for a moment, you began to understand. 

"I expect an owl from you soon, Firethorn."

You could only bring yourself to nod as he reached for your hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing them tenderly against your flesh. He smiled cockily as he waved goodbye, stepping back into the crowd and out of your sight.

It took a moment for you to recover, both your lips and hand shivering with an unexpected sense of giddiness. As you finally composed yourself enough to put both hands on the handle of your cart, you began pushing it through the wall, letting the bubbly feelings wash through you. With one final thought, you crossed over into the muggle world.

Maybe moving to Hogwarts wasn't so bad after all.

 (A/N: So when I said the epilogue would be out later today what I really meant was in fifteen minutes. This was really fun to write! I don't think I nailed Draco's characterization but other than that, I had a good time revisiting an old hobby and channeling it through my writing. 10/10 on the soul candy scale. Might be following this up with oneshots before the sequel, who knows). 

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