𝟐.𝟏𝟑 - 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞

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 You were sitting quietly at your desk in Defense Against the Dark Arts listening as everyone scribbled notes onto their slips of parchment. Umbridge occasionally paced the aisles, itching to dish out a new punishment to an unsuspecting student. 

 It had been a week since the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army (thank Ginny Weasley for the name) and the attitude of the classroom had changed dramatically. Students no longer openly questioned Umbridge's authority now that there was an outlet for their curiosity.

The best outcome, you had observed, was that the Gryffindor's no longer saw you as their enemy. Oftentimes throughout the day, Seamus would wave to you from across the hall and other Gryffindors from the club would approach you and give their condolences about your hand. Even Michael Corner moved to sit next to you and Luna in History of Magic.

"'M sorry about what I said in Hog's Head the other day," he whispered to you during yesterday's silent study period. "I don't think you're on her side anymore. I don't think anyone is, except for maybe Filch."

You waved him off with a smile. "Water under the bridge."

 Umbridge snapped her wand against the side of Harry's desk, snapping you back into reality. 

"You will please copy the approved text four times to ensure maximum retention," she instructed. You didn't dare to look up at her but you knew she was staring right at you. "There will be no need to talk."

No need to think is more like it, you thought to yourself as you dipped your quill back into yours and Pansy's shared ink well.  

The room was completely silent aside from the scribbling of quills against parchment and Umbridge's footsteps. It was almost relaxing in a weird way. The 'approved texts' that she was having you copy down were just simple beginner level spells and strategies; Things that you remember learning in your first year at Ilvermorny.

Another sound rose above the scratching of quills. It was quiet at first but grew louder gradually. You looked to your left and past Harry's desk, to see Neville with his head down as he murmured the disarming spell to himself over and over again. His wand was tucked into his sleeve and he waved it around every so often. It was clear that he was practicing for your next meeting.

You were apparently the only one who'd noticed it so far, everyone's heads were still ducked down behind their books. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Umbridge walking down Neville's aisle. She had eyed his wand and a wicked smile tugged at her lips. It was like watching a vulture dive down out of the sky to snatch up a field mouse. 

 Afraid that he would get caught, you didn't think much before loudly clearing your throat. Everyone looked up at you and you smiled sweetly at Umbridge. Neville looked up from his book and saw Hell-incarnate standing over him. Quickly and quietly, he tucked his wand away into his bag.

"Sorry, Professor," you said loudly. "But I've forgotten how many times we're supposed to copy the text?"

She clasped her hands in front of her chest and purred. "Four times, Ms. Firethorn. But for you, it is now seven."

 You nodded as innocently as you could before her back turned again and you glared up at her obnoxious pink hat. Neville sighed and looked at you. 

 "Thank you," he mouthed silently. 

 "No problem," you mouthed back before diving back into your notes, as redundant as they may be.

At the end of class, Neville caught you on your way out and started walking with you toward the north tower for Divination, a class that you both shared. "Thank you again," he sputtered gratefully. "You know, for saving me back there. I probably shouldn't have had my wand out."

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now