𝟑.𝟐 - 𝐰𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐳𝐞𝐬

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The streets of Diagon Alley were nearly bare and despite holding the lingering smell of summer, the sight of it made you shiver. Shops were ransacked with windows shattered and displays were strewn about the cobblestone. After every other step, you would hear the crunching of glass under your feet and frown. It wasn't at all like it had been just a year before.

The only light at the end of the dark brick-lined path was a bright orange and green slanted tower of a building. Even if it weren't for the massive statue out front bearing their likeness, you would have recognized it instantly as Fred and George's new shop. The boys opened it soon after leaving Hogwarts last year and from what you've heard from everyone, it was a huge success.

You were somewhat disappointed when you first arrived at the Burrow and realized that the twins had moved out over the course of the summer, passing the second-largest bedroom down to Ginny. Ron was livid and still pouted about it while bringing your things up the stairs. 

It was a shame too; you could have really used one of their jokes last night.

The bell above the door tinkled as you entered the shop in a single-file line. Harry held the door open for you with a patient smile. He hadn't said much at breakfast and you were worried that he was still hung up about the conversation the four of you had late last night. Nonetheless, you thanked him and hopped up the last two steps.

You were about to walk through when you noticed his eyes fall to your neckline. "Is that new?" He asked, gesturing to your necklace. Your eyes went wide as you reached up to grasp it, casually slipping it under your shirt and out of view. "No!" You blurt a little too loudly. He blinked at your abruptness and you backtracked. "I mean, no. I've had it forever, really."

Without another word, he dropped the topic and stepped aside. You smiled as you passed him, hopefully covering up the nervousness you were feeling inside. Way to go, (Y/N). Could you be any more suspicious?

Harry was a smart boy. Even without Hermione doing most of his homework assignments, you knew he was clever. Which meant that he was bound to figure out your little secret eventually. But until then, you were going to live it up as your last year as a single witch without him breathing down your neck.

You quickly forgot about the slip-up when you walked in and finally got a chance to absorb your new surroundings. It was borderline chaotic, swarming with young children and other students near your age. The interior of the three-story shopfront was bathed in a warm yet conveniently bright light. The entryway smelled of sawdust and something else. Something sweeter.

When you looked up, a laugh jumped out of your throat and you covered your mouth with your hands. There was an enchanted wind-up toy shaped like Umbridge tight-rope cycling across the rafters. It's voicebox droned on and on about school rules and it gave you a fleeting feeling of nostalgia, reminding you of what Hogwarts was like with the twins still around. Come to think of it, you didn't really know of a Hogwarts without the twins around.

Great, you thought, another thing to look forward to this year.

You were so distracted marveling in the carefree atmosphere that you didn't realize you had been separated from the others. Mindlessly, you wandered all the way to the back of the store and watched all of the smiling faces as the customers inspected each product. It made you giggle again to remember how they used to test their little experiments on unsuspecting first-years in the Gryffindor common room. With them gone, who would be left to fill the beds in the Hospital Wing?

"Hello beautiful," a voice greeted from behind you. You jumped out of your daydream and spun around, recognizing the voice immediately.

Standing side by side just a few steps away from you were Fred and George. They looked charming in their matching tweed suits. They held themselves with a new air of pride and you were once again happy for them. "Merlin's beard!" You exclaimed, rushing over and grabbing them both by the necks in a tight group hug. "I missed you both!"

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now