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Black tea and shortcake were what they had that early quiet morning. It was a common occurrence for Sanji and y/n to be awake before the others, so it became part of the morning routine to have a peaceful breakfast together while the others slept.

The sound of waves caressing the boat as y/n took the last bite of their shortcake brought a sense of relaxation to them.

"Thank you, Sanji. It was amazing as always. I'll be off to take a shower before Nami wakes up and hogs it all to herself." y/n said kindly getting up and placing the dishes carefully into the sink.

"AAaah~ Thank you y/n! It's always a pleasure!" Sanji said cheerfully.

"Not a problem, Sanji." y/n said heading toward the kitchen door.


"Hmm. Need something, Sanji?" y/n asked stopping at the door to glance back at him.

"May I join you?~~" He said looking like an abandoned puppy desperately craving affection.

"......Well...My swim clean..." Y/n listened to hear if any other crew members were awake to judge them and glanced outside.

Y/n was always an open minded individual, not the type to actively push others away, and rarely ever judged people, but that doesn't mean others didn't judge them.

"...and no one's awake yet..." Y/n said looking back at him.

He looked so hopeful like he might get the chance to finally be adopted into a nice home.

"Alright, fine...But you need to wear a swim suit too." They said giving in to his adorable pleading puppy eyes(eye).

"Y/n~. You're too kind~~~" He said practically melting into the floor boards below.

"*sigh* I know..." y/n answered leaving the kitchen to get their swim suit and clothes.

"Why can't I just say no to him? Ugh... He's too cute... I swear he was neglected... Actually, that would make sense." they mumbled entering their room which was separate from the others since they lived in their work space.

Once their swim suit was on they grabbed their towel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and clothes before heading to the bathroom, where unsurprisingly Sanji was already there and waiting excitedly in his adorable ducky swim shorts.

That's too damn cute...

"Y/n~ Y/n~ Let me take your things for you~" Sanji chanted arms out waiting for them to hand them to him.

"We're already here, but if you really want to, sure." they said handing them over.

Ecstatic, he rushed in with their things as well as his own and carefully placed them down in their proper places.

While he was doing that y/n was getting the water temperature just right.

"Is the temperature alright?" y/n asked once they got it the way they liked it.

"It's perfect, y/n!~" he said after checking the water.

"Alright, in we go I guess." y/n said stepping in.

Sanji happily joined in. He immediately began to work on their hair, gently massaging the shampoo into it. Y/n took this opportunity to focus on washing themselves off with the body wash.

Once that was done Sanji got to work cleaning himself off with the body wash. He didn't bring his own shampoo, conditioner, or body wash claiming he wanted to smell like them.

Y/n couldn't help, but be distracted by his dripping wet hair.

"Sanji, could you lean down a bit towards me?"

"Of course~"

His hair even when wet felt so soft as they worked the shampoo into it. Carefully they massaged the lather into his hair as he leaned into their touch.

"Sanji, I need to move your hair out of your face. Is that alright?" They said stopping to make sure they had his consent.

He looked away.

"...Promise you won't laugh." he whispered.

"I promise." y/n said seriously.


They moved his hair away to see his eyebrows point in the same direction.

"Pfft adorable." y/n said smiling at him.

His eyes widened and a blush grew as he stared in shock.

"Wha- Seriously?" he said surprised at the unexpected reaction.

"Yes." y/n said going back to working on his hair.

He was quiet for the rest of the shower and leaning on them the entire time.

"Sanji, promise you won't look while I'm getting dressed alright?" y/n said seriously.

"I promise." he answered quietly, turning around.

He kept his promise and once they got dressed it was his turn. Y/n stared at the door and listen his shuffling. The shuffling stopped and arms wrapped around their waist from behind. Damp hair tickled their neck as he rested his head on their shoulder.

"Thank you." he whispered, leaning on them.

"For what? You're always adorable." They said laughing and gently ruffled his hair a bit.

He tensed and nuzzled into their neck. He couldn't look at them and words failed him. He was a total nervous blushing wreck.

"Sanji?~" They teased.

"Ye-yes" He answered in a muffled broken voice.

"I love you~~"

He nuzzled further into their neck and his hands shifted to grip their shirt. Their neck felt intense warmth.

"... I- I you too..."

*Sweet Tooth* Sanji x reader Oneshots & StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now