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i know this is really abrupt, but along the writing process of 'lingerie', i lost great interest in it. the first two or three chapters were okay, and i felt really proud of them, but the rest, the idea felt like bullshit and were very sloppy and not my best works. they were the worst i've ever written, and i'm sorry for even publishing them. although, i saw how much attention it was getting, and i didn't wanna let you guys down, since you guys probably liked it, so i wrote more chapters, but it felt so forced. the words didn't come out like they were supposed to. most of the time, i held my breath and felt really antsy writing the parts. i just didn't feel like writing. i know that sounds so fucking lazy of me, but i just couldn't. the chapters were updated with big gaps most of the time, and i promised another chapter the same day, but it came a week or two later. i lost motivation. i apologize.

 therefore, i think chapter nine is the last chapter of 'lingerie'. i'm so, so sorry. i really didn't want to disappoint you guys, but i did anyway. i'm so sorry.

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