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     "You're running out of time," Mama said calmly, but the flash in her eyes depicted otherwise. I bit my tongue to refrain from lashing out. All I needed was to give them all what they wanted. I had plans of my own; one which would give me the freedom I'd always crave.
     I turned to go when I felt her hand on my right shoulder. Spinning on my heels, I bared my fangs at her.
"A little time is all I need, wait patiently... please." I added the last part reluctantly. I sighed, flicking my wrist to get out there. Coming home had always given me brain pain. I felt the energy thrumming through my veins and before I could teleport out of there, I felt a powerful force fling me backward. I knew who it was before I looked.
King Heiran; my father, the banished king of the supernatural. I felt the pain only for a second and I jumped on my feet at an inhumane speed, whizzing myself to face him. His crown stood arrogantly high on his head, his red robe swirled majestically around him and the grip he had on his sceptre gave me the imagery of a snake coiled around its prey.
     "You heard your mother!" he boomed, his eyes flashing between a blood red and dark colour. "Get me what I need, I'm tired of staying down here, I need to go back there and make them all pay!" He thundered and I flinched. I got myself out of there immediately and almost landed on a young girl who fortunately had her head on her knees. With a speed faster than light, I jumped on the tree she sat under.
This was a surprise, no one ever came here, especially this late. She must have felt the breeze due to my appearance because she jumped up. After looking round, she shook her head and yawned while stretching languidly.
     She touched the back of her head and winced in pain, sighing sadly. Crouched on a branch, I wondered what she was doing late here in the evening. She started walking, probably heading back to where she had come from. After some minutes, I followed silently behind her, maintaining a reasonable pace. It could be really dangerous out there.
     I left her after she got back to the school area, students were everywhere. I smirked as I noticed a couple fondling themselves in a hidden, dark corner. With my enhanced vision, I could see what was going on perfectly. I averted my gaze and I mingled with the crowd.
"Hey, Aidan", said a voice behind me. Only one person would call me that. In a flash, he was in my front. I grinned and punched him in the stomach playfully, "It's Eric, you numbskull."
Chuckling, he shook his head. "let's go get some meat", he said and I laughed. "It's called suya, you idiot." He laughed in return and we walked to a suya stand.
     My mind wandered back to the events of the evening. I needed to set my plans into motion, the earlier I got Father what he wanted, the better. I knew where she was, It shouldn't be so hard. Should it?


Introducing Eric💫.... Your thoughts?
Hopefully, I'll start writing longer chapters... Still testing the waters.

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