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No Ones POV
Today is the day that the Riverdale teens surprise the L.A teens by going to L.A.
They tracked down Sikowitz and told him not to tell anyone anything so it could remain a surprise. So Sikowitz challenged everyone to go to Tori's house for a sleep over for two days so they have to stay at her house and can't leave. "Baby come on" Toni complained wanting to leave "Stop rushing me because you want to see Jade" Cheryl said laughing at her girlfriend "How long is the flight?" Toni asked "It should only be 3 hours since it's a private plane" Cheryl told her "Okay well come on" Toni said running to loading everything into the car. Not everyone is going to L.A. with them only Toni, Cheryl, Veronica, Betty, Kevin, Fangs, Sweetpea and Jughead. Everyone else had to do something over the summer and Josie moved to New York. Toni called and told everyone to hurry up to the airport or she will leave them.

"Yay!!!" Toni said when everyone was on the plane, Jughead was a few minutes late and Toni wanted to leave him but they wouldn't let her. Toni eventually fell asleep with her head on Cheryl's lap "Shes a big baby" Veronica laughs "That she is" Cheryl said rubbing her hand in Toni's hair "Did she really want to leave me?" Jughead asked "Yep" Sweetpea said laughing "Cheryl wouldn't let her" Betty teased "Because if I let her leave him I would hear the end of it from you" Cheryl told her cousin "Did anyone bring a gaming console?" Fangs asked "Yea we're bored" Sweetpea complained, Cheryl sighed knowing this would happen "Toni hooked one up on the TV in the back" Cheryl told them, they quickly went to the back and started playing games while Kevin watched. "I want to go to stores once we land" Veronica said "We need to go to the Air BNB first to drop off our stuff then go to Tori's house" Betty said with it planned out in her head "Sounds good to me" Cheryl said.

They finally landed 3 hours later and drove to the Air BNB in the two Teslas Cheryl rented. "Whoa" Fangs said looking at the huge house "We get to stay here the whole summer" Sweetpea said "Yep, go pick rooms and then we will go to Tori's house" Cheryl told them "This is better then our trailers!!!" Fangs said happily, everyone smiling knowing the boys and Toni have never really had anything this nice before. Everyone put their stuff in their rooms and headed to Tori's house with both cars so everyone can come back to the house.

"I want to knock!!" Toni said happily walking to the door, she knocked on the door and we heard Cat "I'll get it" Tori said opening the door "Ye- Oh my god!!!" She yelled happily "What?" Everyone said looking out the door "Toni!!!" Jade yelled "Cheryl!!!" Cat yelled at the same time as Jade, Cheryl and Toni ran into the house, Cat jumping in Cheryl's arms and Toni jumping in Jade's "When did you guys get here" Tori said giving everyone a hug "We just got here, we have an Air BNB with enough rooms for everyone to stay if you want" Betty said "How many rooms?" Beck asked "10 so couples will share a room and everyone else gets their own" Veronica said "Cool" Andre said "Where is Josie?" He asked "She moved to New York after you two broke up" Jughead told him "Their still hugging" Fangs said "Well you boys want to get beat in some video games?" Sweetpea asked "It's on" Andre said turning on the living room TV and starting a game. "Oh my god Cat!!" Cheryl said actually looking at her now "You look nothing like you did before" Cheryl said in shock "Let me see" Toni said letting go of Jade "Whoa" Toni said also shocked (Ariana Grande 2016 look) "You definitely have grown up" Cheryl laughed "Yea, I know" Cat said happily "Your hot" Cheryl told her spinning her around "Hey my girlfriend!!" Jade said playfully "Jade you have changed too" Cheryl said looking at everyone who has changed a lot over the few months they haven't seen each other (2016 Liz Gillies) "No more green streak in her hair" Cat said "Yea I hated that" Cheryl laughed "Hey, I liked my green hair strip" Jade said. "Does everyone want to stay in the Air BNB?" Betty asks, they all agreed so they got into the cars drive to everyone's houses to pack their stuff and went to the Air BNB "This is huge!!" Beck said "Go pick your rooms, the rooms with the door closed is already taken" Veronica tells them as the boys run upstairs with their stuff. The girls goes to find their rooms, Cat and Jade claimed the room beside Cheryl and Toni.
"How did you know where I lived?" Tori asked "I put a tracker on you" Toni told her with a straight face "What?!" Tori asked concerned "We asked Sikowitz" Betty said "Oh okay" Tori said relieved. "Cat when did you change your whole look" Betty asked "A few months after we came back, I looked so kiddish and I'm 17 now I can't look like a kid anymore" Cat told them "Well your hot as fuck" Veronica told her "Thank you" she smiled "Jade, are you still a little bitch" Toni teased "Here they go again" Cheryl said laughing with Cat "Are you still a little pussy" Jade responded "I eat Cheryl's" Toni smirked "Ew" Veronica said "Didn't want to know that" Betty said "Babe!!!" Cheryl said smacking her leg "Sorry Cat" Toni said which made Jade laugh "What?" Cheryl asked "I thought she didn't like cussing?" Betty asked, this made Jade laugh harder and now Cat was laughing too "That was the old me" Cat said "Yea she cusses so fucking much now" Jade says "Really?" Veronica asked "All the time" Tori said still on her phone "Aww what happened to my innocent little baby" Cheryl pouted "That pussy is gone" Cat said laughing, Toni, Betty, Veronica and Cheryl's eyes went wide which made Jade start laughing again "Well damn, a lot has definitely changed" Veronica said. Beck came up behind Cat and scared her "Son of bitch" Cat jumping "You little fucker" she said "See" Jade said "Do we have any food here?" Beck asks "Yea I had someone fill the house up with food, drinks and snacks before we got here" Cheryl told him "Thanks" he said taking food up for all the boys. "Little fucker?" Cheryl teased Cat "Oh fuck you Cher" Cat laughed "Jade can you get me a drink please?" Cat asked "What did you call me?" Jade asked, Cat looked at her then smirked "Daddy can you get me a drink?" Cat said "Oh" Cheryl said "Daddy kink?" Toni teases, Jades face was bright red "I'm kidding babe can you get me a drink please?" Cat said smiling at her now flustered girlfriend "O-okay" Jade said getting up to get her girlfriends drink "How the turn tables have turned" Veronica smirked.


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