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No One's POV
The girls were all sat in Cheryl and Toni's room just talking when Jade said ew to Tori's face "From what I recall you used to like this ew face" Tori smirks and Jade's eyes go wide remembering the time she liked Tori "You liked her?!" Toni asks "I did not" Jade said lying "Tell that to the janitor who watch us kiss for like five minutes" Tori smirks "Shut up" Jade tells her "You kissed Tori?" Cat asks "This was forever ago" Jade tells Cat "You know that's actually a cute couple" Cheryl says thinking of the two together, Cat gives Cheryl a look "Never mind. Cat and Jade are better" Cheryl smiles "Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I liked you" Jade tells Tori who smirks "Why don't we ask Beck or Andre or even Trina" Tori says "You wouldn't" Jade challenges "Andre!!! Beck!!!" Tori yells and the boys come in the room with gaming headphones on and controllers in their hands "Whats up?" Andre asks "Didn't Jade like me" Tori asks them "Oh yea that was a funny time" Andre laughs "Never seen anyone hate and like someone at the same time" Beck says "I did it with you" Jade says sticking her tongue out at the boy and he did it back "Cat remember when Tori came in Sikowitz's class with a random hickie that wasn't there before?" Andre asks "Yea" Cat responds "That was Jade" Beck says "Your sucking other people's necks?" Cat asks "This was before we started dating!!" Jade defends "Just thinking about you two together is gross" Toni fake gags "Didn't you and Jughead have something?" Tori asks Toni and Cheryl gags "Don't remind me her lips have touched Jughead's" Cheryl says "It was a one day thing. He didn't give me a hickie or kiss me in a janitor's closet" Toni defends "Ew so I'm kissing Tori when I kiss you" Cat whines "And Beck" Andre adds "That makes it worst" Cat gags "Hey!!" Beck says offended "No offence but I just don't like boys" Cat says "You're bi" he reminds her "Well then I just don't like you" she smiles and he leaves the room and Andre does the same.
"Are we about to kiss right now?" Toni asks "What no" Jade says "Why?" Toni laughs "What is this Tik Tok?" Tori asks "You have the hey mama lesbians and then the fems who everyone thinks are bottoms then you have Tori who is a switch and stem" Cheryl says "Hey mamas" Jade and Toni say at the same time "Oh god" Cheryl says "Never say that again" Cat tells them "I might be straight again" Tori gags "Remember when you acted straight but really was in love with me" Jade smirks "I wasn't in love with you!!" Tori whines and Jade gets out her phone and facetimes someone.
"Hey Jade" Trina says on the phone "Wasn't Tori in love with me?" Jade asks "Yes!!!!" Trina says "She wouldn't shut the fuck up about you" Trina tells them "Stop telling my secrets before I tell yours" Tori says "I want to know Trina's secrets" Cat says "No" Trina whines "When she was 7 we went to the mall-" Tori started but Trina started yelling and they all started laughing "Tori had a crush one of you when she first met y'all" Trina smirks and Tori looks scared "Who!!" Toni asks "Ch-" Tori ended the FaceTime call "No one" Tori laughs nervously "Was she about to say Cat or Cheryl?" Toni asks "It doesn't matter" Tori tells them "You liked Cheryl!!!?" Cat says and Tori starts to blush "I need to go see my girl friend bye" Tori says leaving the room and then leaving the house. The girls look at Cheryl and start laughing "Mine" Toni says pulling Cheryl closer to her "Always" Cheryl smiles at Toni.

"Children?" A man says from the front door "Sikowitz?" Jade asks opening the door "You should really make a way to come inside excitedly" Sikowitz says coming in the house "Who is it?" Cheryl says coming down the steps in Toni's arms, like Toni was actually carrying her "Our teacher" Cat says excitedly and the boys run down the steps "Hey" they says going to the kitchen "What do you want?" Jade asks "I came to give you a challenge" he tells her "What kind?" Toni asks intrigued "You have to date each other for a week" he says "We are already dating each other" Cat says "Jade your with her" he says pointing to Toni "Cat your with her" pointing to Cheryl "Where is Tori?" He asks "In the bathroom" Cheryl says "Tori!!!" He yells. A few moments later Tori comes out the bathroom "What?" She asks "Why are you even here?" She adds "You have to date..." Sikowitz starts thinking which is never a good sign "Tori you date Andre" he says and Andre looks up from making his sandwich "What?!" He asks "The winner gets a prize. Meet me at the school in a week. You have to act and look like a real couple, I have eyes on you" he says and leaves "Your teacher is weird" Cheryl says "Are we actually doing that?" Cat asks "No way he's serious" Toni says "No he's serious" Jade shrugs "Well I'm not losing then" Toni challenges "Me either" Jade says "Oh god" Cheryl and Cat say "One last kiss before we start this?" Jade asks and she kisses Cat and Cheryl kisses Toni "One point off!!" Sikowitz yells from the window and they jump "Get out of here!!" Jade tells him "Let's go then" Jade says looking at Toni "You two realise your dating each other right?" Cat asks "Oh yea" they say and laugh "Well that's easier" Jade says and Toni nods, they go and sit on the couch together "Cute!!" Cheryl says "I don't want to date Andre" Tori says "I'm not in this" Andre goes upstairs "Just us against them then" Cheryl shrugs and sits down with Cat who sits on Cheryl's lap "So that's how we're playing?" Jade says and Cheryl and Cat kiss "I'm not kissing you" Toni says "Me either" Jade tells her "You know we have to go meet up with Jordyan and Alessia soon right?" Cheryl tells them "How long is soon?" Toni asks and Cheryl looks at her watch "Like 10 minutes so every get dressed" Cheryl demands and the girls go upstairs "Wrong room" Cheryl says to Toni who sighs and goes to Jade's room.

They get to the area they are meeting Jordyan and Alessia at, the two girls pull up beside them and they all get out the car "Hey" Cheryl says giving them hugs "This is Cheryl, Toni, Cat and Jade" Jordyan tells her girlfriend "Hi" they all say together.
They sit on the swings that are facing each other "So Toni is dating Cheryl and Jade is with Cat" Jordyan says "Actually for the week we switched so I'm with Cheryl and those two are together" Cat says and they look at the girls weird "We aren't trading girl friends" Jade says "Their teacher gave us a challenge that we have to date for a week" Toni tells them and they nod "Sounds like a cool teacher" Alessia says "He's crazy but cool" Jade laughs.
The girls have a fun time together and they all get along well.


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