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No ones POV
Tori left the house early to go get Sam. Dice and Goomer aren't in town right now so Sam is by herself.
"Baby" Cat whined "Yes" Jade asks coming out their bathroom "I missed you" Cat said smiling "I just went to brush my teeth" Jade laughed "Yea but that was so long ago" Cat whined opening her arms "Cuddles" Cat said like a baby. Jade cuddled with Cat until their door swung open "Get up losers we're going shopping" Toni said "Really!?" Cat said excitedly getting up "Nope" Toni told her laughing "You're such an ass" Cat said "She did it to me too this morning" Cheryl said coming into the room and sitting on the bed "My arm was right there" Jade complained "Then move your arm Jade" Cheryl told her "Ugh" Jade whined moving her arm "What are we doing today" Jade asks getting back up "We have nothing planned so anything" Cheryl says "Shopping" Cat squeals "Other then shopping" Toni says "I'm hungry so let's get breakfast" Cheryl says "Okay I'll see if anyone else wants to go" Toni said leaving the room along with Cheryl. No one else wanted to go so the four of them got into the Tesla and Cheryl is driving.

"So bae where are we going" Cat says to Cheryl "Starbucks" Cheryl tells her "That's not breakfast!!" Jade said "We want breakfast" Toni whines with Jade "Can you two shut up" Cheryl says "Stop whining all the time" Cat laughs "Stop touching my girlfriend then" Toni says "Cheryl get your hands off my girlfriend" Jade adds looking at the two in the front seat. Cheryl and Cat's hands are intertwined laying on Cat's thigh "You do realise you two aren't dating" Toni laughs "We are" Cat says smiling "No" Jade says "Shut up we're getting Starbucks and Cat and I are dating. End of conversation" Cheryl laughs, Cat kisses their hands and winks at the two girls in the back. Jade and Toni whisper about something "What are you two planning?" Cheryl asks, they look at each other then look in the front "Foursome!!!" They say together laughing "Ew weird" Cat says "We're not having a foursome" Cheryl tells them and the two in the back laugh.

They finally made it to Starbucks "What do you want?" Cheryl asks, there are two cars in front of them. They tell her what they want and she orders it. They got some pastries since they were hungry "Hi, that will be $20" the woman said and Cheryl handed her the money "Aww are you two dating?" The woman asked looking down at their hands "Uh yea!!" Cheryl said "That's my girlfriend" Cat smiles and kisses Cheryl's cheek "Aww thats so sweet, me and my girlfriend just moved here and are looking for some couples to hang out with" she said "Well you can hang out with us" Cat tells her and writes down their phone numbers "There are two gays in the back too" Cheryl laughs and so does the woman, she hands them their food and as they drive away Cheryl and Cat kiss "What the fuck" Jade says "It was a harmless kiss" Cat laughs "She thinks y'all are dating" Toni says "Okay?" Cheryl responds "You're not dating!!!!" Jade and Toni say at the same time "I'm breaking up with you to be with Cheryl" Cat says "Same here" Cheryl says and they kiss again "Stop kissing!!" Toni whines "Shes my girlfriend" she adds "Cat change seats with Toni" Jade says "Chill our children. We're stopping to eat in the car anyways" Cheryl says backing up into a parking space "Happy now?" Cat asks "Get in the back" Toni says and they both get in the back. Tesla's have a pretty big back seating area and they can turn the back seats around so it's facing the other seats in the very back and that's what they did. "No" Toni says rushing to sit beside Cheryl "You two are so annoying" Cat laughs "You kissed my girlfriend" Toni complains "Now you have Cat germs on you" Toni says "So no kiss?" Cheryl smirks "Fine" Toni leans in and kisses her girlfriend, Jade does the same with Cat. "So are you going to tell that person you were lying?" Jade asks "We can FaceTime her" Cheryl says "She's working" Jade tells them "It will be fine" Cat says FaceTiming her.
"Uh hey" the girl smiled "I never got your names" she says "I'm Cheryl, this is Cat, Toni and Jade" Cheryl says showing her everyone "Hey, I'm Jordyn" she smiles "We have to tell you something" Cheryl says "Hold up I'm about to go on my break" Jordyn says "We're in the parking lot so if you want you can come hang with us during your break" Cat said "Okay" Jordyn said and they can see her walking out the door with a drink, Cheryl climbs to the front and honks the horn "Hey girlie" Cheryl said moving to Toni's seat and Toni sat on the three seater with Cat and Jade. "Hi, so what did you have to tell me?" Jordyn asks "Oh yea, we're not dating" Cheryl said "That's my girlfriend Toni and that's Cat's girl friend Jade" Cheryl told her "Well still gay and couples so it's fine" Jordyn laughs "My girlfriends name is Alessia" she tells them and shows them a picture. They all talk and have fun. They all seem to like each other and they are all very similar. Jordyn has to go back to work so she does and they go back to the Air BNB.
"Jordyn is fun" Jade says as they all sit down on the couch "Yea shes cool" Toni says "Alone time" Cat says and Cheryl nods "Alone time?" Jade asks "We want to be alone with our girlfriends if that's okay with you" Cheryl says sarcastically "Oh uh okay" Toni says getting dragged to her room by Cheryl.

"Baby why are you dragging me" Toni asks as she shuts the door to their room and locks it so no one comes in "I missed you" she said grabbing her waist and bring her closer "Babe we have been together all day" Toni laughs and takes off her shirt "But we haven't been alone" Cheryl says doing the same. Toni smiles and hugs Cheryl "I love you Cheryl" Toni says "I love you" Cheryl responded "You're adorable you know that" Toni smiles lifting her girlfriend up and bringing her to the bed "Yes I know" Cheryl laughs and lays down with Toni on top of her. Toni starts kissing her neck softly "No hickeys" Cheryl sighs out. Toni continues to kiss her neck softly.

Toni's POV
I'm kissing my beautiful girlfriends neck being careful not to make any marks. I start kissing my way down to her chest, she lifts my head "Babe I don't want to" she says "Okay" I say kissing her lips then lay on top of her "Okay? You're not going to make me?" She asks "What? Why would I make you do something you don't want to do" I ask concerned "It's just every time I didn't want to have sex before I met you I was forced to" she says "Hey baby, I will never make you do anything you don't want to do. If that's kissing me or having sex even hugging. I won't force you into anything" I tell her honestly. I will try my very best to not hurt her "I love you" she says "I love you more" I kiss her jawline then snuggle back into necklaces "What did I do to deserve you angel" she says quietly "I think the same thing everyday" I smile.


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