All About BEN Drowned:

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BEN Drowned

Full Name:Benjamin Seth Lawman

Aliases: BEN, Ben, Cleverbot, Ben Lepine, Link statue, Majora, Benny boy, and Jadusable's roommate

Relatives: Father (Dead)

Occupation: Leader of the Moon Children

Date of Birth: April 23th 1996

Status: Undead

Powers: Causing insanity, Electronic distortion and bugging, Teleportation, Levitation, Electrokinesis, Invisibility, Enhanced stealth, Superhuman strength, Enhanced speed, Able to move between the human and virtual world, Psychokinesis, Telekinesis, Corruption, Pyrokinesis, Hacking, Static, Vast supernatural powers, Superhuman attributes, Datakinesis, Diadiktyokinesis, Ergokinesis, Flyrokinesis, Gyrokinesis, Kinetikiesis, Technokinesis, Telumkinesis, and Vinteokinesis

Species: Human (formally)/Ghost

Gender: Male

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 121 lb

Hobby: Murdering, Terrorizing, Stalking, Tourture, and Playing video games

Goals: Escape from the Majora's Mask cartridge (Succeeded) and Gain access to the internet (Succeeded)

Crimes: Mass murder, Torture, Hacking, Stalking, Manipulation, Betrayal, Destruction, Oppression, Cannibalism, and Attempted murder

Type of Villain: Sadistic Mastermind

Quotes: "Ben is getting lonely." "You shouldn't have done that." "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" "YOUR TURN." "There is beauty in your suffering." "I'm glad you did that." "The counter resets..." " If I hadn't revealed myself and stayed hidden, only doing little things to play with you. Close out your windows, turn off your computer, move your mouse by itself. Little things. Make you wonder if I am there but you never know. Give you little hints that I am."

History: Benjamin Lawman was once a normal teenager playing video games, he lived with his abusive father and without his mother, since his parents had gotten a divorce. A few days after Ben's 14th birthday, Ben had almost completed his game until his father came in and dragged him outside to a nearby lake, he held his head underwater until all Ben could do was thrash around in the water as he drowned, his father was found guilty for the murder of his son and the house was abandoned. However, Ben wasn't going to leave so easily, he returned as a vengeful spirit and possessed the last game he cartridged until someone picked it up. He molded the game world into the world that was inhabited by his former idol, Link. BEN was able to hack himself into his Majora's Mask game and took on the form of a copy of Link with black and red eyes. BEN was first encountered by Jadusable when he bought and played the Majora cartridge. During the recording of day four.wmv, he manifested himself in the form of the Elegy of Emptiness statue, an action he repeated each time the game was played. During the recording of BEN.wmv, it revealed the cause of BEN's death to Jadusable. It drastically increased its activity during DROWNED.wmv, and even exercised the ability to either change the game from Majora's Mask to Ocarina of Time, or alter the video to the extent that it appears to be the latter. This video featured the first use of its signature phrase, "You shouldn't have done that..." BEN's activity is believed to be initially minimal during jadusable.wmv, as it redacted the first half of it and redacted the first half of the video (then called Matt.wmv) prior to its upload. Having promised to leave Jadusable alone if he helped it, it tricked him into playing further into its game. BEN wrote and posted the summary of jadusable.wmv in the guise of Jadusable's nonexistent roommate, and used the readers' obliviousness to escape via their download of TheTruth.rtf. It confirmed its escape in free.wmv. Within days of its escape, BEN began to utilize Jadusable's abandoned YouTube channel. The ciphers it posted led followers to , the base of operations for a cult known as the Moon Children. The avatar used by the admin, DROWNED, contained a hidden image of the Elegy statue when moused over, hinting at a connection between himself and BEN. The next day, during the period of time in which Ifrit was able to communicate, Ben posted lyrics from "Who's That Knocking?" by the Genies, which implies that it was responsible for Ifrit's disappearance.After the first reset, users figured out the system of using songs to affect events involving the Moon Children, which BEN confirmed. It was then unheard from until Ryukaki began uploading videos. The next mentions of BEN came from hidden files in YSHDT, including mhftt.txt and fate.txt. 2 featured the sound of drowning, a direct reference to BEN. BEN had an account on Within Hubris prior to its take-down. The house featured in h b i s r ea l is implied to be BEN's, due to the presence of a pool in the backyard. Currently, BEN is still trying to eliminate Jadusable, his toughest victim yet.

Relationships: Proxies, Family, and Slenderman

Physical Description: BEN bares a striking resemblance to Link, with the exception of his eyes which are identical to . When BEN is in the game he can willingly take the form of the Link Statue.

Personality: BEN is considered an vile, malevolent, oppressive, and callous entity of evil, as he stalks the player's every move, giving away pieces of his backstory and how he died, however, BEN does have a silly side to him, with bad ideas and being manipulated by the others. BEN is sadistic, cruel and is willing to slowly start breaking a person's mind when they play the haunted game he resides in, he loves the suffering of others and is desperate to find anyone to torment for as long as he can. Much like , BEN is rather cynical and arrogant, but nowhere near as egotistical as him. BEN is a common adversary for bugging Jeff but is also quite insecure when he himself is being annoyed, especially if it involves teasing him about his fear of water.

Weapons: The Internet

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