seventy-two | identical

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Not even a full second after hearing the lunch bell ring, Jisoo immediately left her class without looking back.

Jisoo's skipped her way through the halls finally escaping that suffocating atmosphere from her pre-cal class to the choir room. Since it was an even school day, her lunch period is occupied by her choir class.

She sits at the front left center at her usual spot and skimmed through instagram as she waits for the other students to come in.

A/N: was my school just weird but, we had my choir class during  lunch every even school days — I rmbr having to eat my lunch super fast and then run to the choir room. tbh i hated choir class in high school cause my teachers sucked. I only stayed for the credit and the fact that we got to travel and i got to skip other classes HAHAHA .

Jisoo's attention was quickly caught by her choir teacher's presence, calling their attention.

Almost dropping her phone, Jisoo with her mouth hanging open, shocked as she spotted the tall pale prince looking man standing beside her teacher.

"w. t. f." she uttered quietly as her mouth still hangs open.

"Class everyone meet our new student, can you introduce yourself?" the teacher spoke, catching everyones attention especially the female students.

"Hi everyone, my name is Cha Eunwoo, I just transferred here from Seoul National High School. I look forward to spending the rest of my senior year with you all."

The girls all swooned in loudness, completely smitten over the good looking transfer student, Jisoo on the other hand was not pleased at all.

She's now had 3/5 of her classes today spent with him, how was that possible. She's been trying to ignore him this whole day and it seems like fate just keeps bringing the two together.

The teacher look quite satisfied with the young mans introduction and decided to look around the class skimming through her students as she looks for a specific student.

"Oh there you are! It seems like you were hiding there Jisoo. Eunwoo meet Jisoo, she's our choirs pride and gem. If you ever need help, feel free to approach Jisoo. Right Jisoo?" The teacher causally spoke.

"Ah... nee~ Seonsangnim.." Jisoo forcibly let out a small smile, causing Eunwoo to grin widely, completely finding the young girl cute.


After choir class was over Eunwoo quickly runs to Jisoo's side.

The small figure looked up at the tall man confused, eying him down like wtf are you doing here

Eunwoo transitioned to his iconic eye smile, Jisoo's unwavering gaze back blankly.

"What do you want" Jisoo replied in a monotone matter.

"Ouch I thought you were supposed to be nice and help me out." He rebuttal.

"HA. HA. VERY FUNY. Go find someone else." Jisoo packed up her things ready to leave.

"Wait I need help finding this class please. And you're the only girl who's not phased by my killer visuals"

Jisoo didn't bother saying anything but snatched the paper Eunwoo was handing her.

"What. The. Fuck." Jisoo cussed not believing what she was seeing. Their schedules are practically identical, how was that possible.

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