thirty-eight | snapshot

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"V I'm honestly getting tired. Are we there yet?" Jisoo said out of breath. She truly wasn't the athletic type.

V tightened his grip onto Jisoo's hands and looks back at her, "Aigoo you're so out of shape Chu! We should start working out together."

Jisoo who was still following V's tracks, glared back, "Yah! I asked where are we going!"

"Aigoo~yah" V let out as he finally stopped his track which led them to a bridge near their neighbourhood. It overlooked the river that is reflecting all the shining lights from the shops, billboards, and buildings.

Jisoo hadn't noticed that view as she was too busy crouching down, catching for air. V chuckled at her actions and really thought that this girl needs to start working out because she is way too out of shape.

"WAHHHHH!!!! So pretty~~~" Jisoo exclaimed after finally standing up still from crouching down. "I always see this on the way to school but I never saw it at night. Wow it's so beautiful."

V let out a relief sigh upon seeing Jisoo's eyes lit up in amusement with the view. He felt a sense of accomplishment seeing her reaction with her mouth agape and her eyes beaming in awe.

*ka-chick* *ka-chick*

Jisoo's attention was quickly diverted to the source of the camera sounds. She spotted V a couple steps behind her, snapping photos of her.

"Yah delete those!" Jisoo yells as she reaches out trying to snatch V's phone.

V laughed out loud as he raises his right arm high up in the air with his phone in his hand, definitely out of Jisoo's short statures reach. He sticks out his tongue teasing the short Jisoo jumping up and down attempting to reach the phone.

Jisoo was so focused on getting the phone she hadn't realized how close her and V's bodies were. Her chest constantly rubbing on his as she slides back down, while her arm rests on his left shoulder trying to gain momentum to jump higher.

V began to blush at their sudden physical contact and tried to break apart from it. He clears his throat and took a step further causing Jisoo to almost stumble down. "Jisoo just give it up already, you'll never get it with that short height of yours."

Jisoo shot up a glare at her best friend, completely oblivious of his reddened cheeks.

"DELETE. IT." Jisoo emphasized.

"Shut up and just pose Jisoo. I took really good photos." V replied back.

few shots later

"CHU PLEASE POST IT!!!" V nagged with his aegyo voice. "Come on!! Someone needs to appreciate my shots plus you never know maybe someone will see it and fall for you."


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I feel like I don't give enough appreciation to you guys who are voting on my stories, hi there!! Even though I don't personally message you, just know that I see each and every single one of you that continuously votes and comments. Thank you all so much 😭❤️


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