forty-six | hungover

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Taehyungs eyes slowly flutter to open as his natural body alarm woke him up. Immediately a stabbing sensation radiated in his head, like a knife forcing its way through his brain.

"Ughhh" He grunted as he massages his temple.

Moments passed and Taehyung finally decided to check what time it was.

Reaching for his phone located at the top right side of his bed.

His rare boxy smile made an appearance upon seeing his lockscreen. After four years of owning his iPhone, he finally changed its background.

He couldn't help but squeal, shaking his body in happiness

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He couldn't help but squeal, shaking his body in happiness.

This was the first selfie the two took since kindergarten. For unknown reasons to Taehyung, Jisoo rejected any opportunity to take photos with him so this moment was very special to him.

His fangirling moment was quickly interrupted when his mom barged into his room carrying his laundry bin on her right side.

"Oh wow finally you're up." She looked at her son surprised to see him up.

"I made some soup downstairs, I'd figure you'd wake up with a terrible hangover seeing the state you were in last night."

Taehyung scratches his unwashed bed hair as he tries to recall the events from last night, but everything was a blur just after drunkenly singing along with Jimin.

He quickly unlocks his phone trying to piece any memory from last night, checking all his social medias, and text messages.

"Sht" he muttered.

His panic thoughts were quickly disrupted when Taehyung heard his mom chuckle upon seeing his state.

"You should've seen how Jisoo struggled to carry you here in your room. I was going to help her but you know her, she's a little stubborn and insisted for me to go back to bed and that she had everything under control." His mother shares just as she leaves his room.

Taehyung's mom was a chill mom, she didn't mind that Taehyung came home drunk nor the fact that he was completely skipping class right now. In the end of the day what mattered to her is the mental health of her son, and as long as he's happy, she's happy.

Also of course, his grades... No parent would want their kid to slack off, but despite his lack of effort, Taehyung just naturally had good grades without trying too hard so her mother had no complaints for his behaviour.

"Sht" He uttered again as he looks down at his screen from his conversation with Jisoo from last night. Reading his cringey ass drunk text messages sent to Jisoo.

He truly should stop drinking alcohol he thought. Not once has he ever blacked out before. He thought he had a great alcohol tolerance, but to his disappointment, his liver has failed him last night.

Taehyung was about to text Jisoo, asking her to spill all the details about last night, when his phone began to ring.

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