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Laila kept the crystal in her bag and dropped it under a tree to avoid extra powers, she pulled out her sword, held it up high ready for the fight.

Jordan runs towards Laila with his sword horizontal aiming for her neck but she stops his sword with hers vertical, he pushes his sword and she pushes hers.

it was a close fight the night was cold and it rained heavily, Laila and Jordan had fought many times and Jordan made a bet that if she ever wins he'll do anything she wants, but she had never won and she knows clearly that if Jordan wins this fight he was going to kill her.

Jordan will do just about anything to get the mystic ZANALIAN crystal from Laila even kill her, and Laila has defeated every other student except Jordan, in the countless times they had fought, Jordan always won.

But as the fight continued on the wet forest floor Jordan found his self lying on the floor and Laila standing over him with her sword on his neck and his sword in her other hand, she won the fight for the first time.

She was supposed to kill him for trying to kill her, but she shoved her sword into the ground and stretched her hand to help him up but he slapped her hand and stood up on his own.
"why are you doing this Jordan, your my best friend" Laila said gently

"a best friend won't steal my dreams"
"this is about that crystal huh" Laila said and picked up the crystal from her bag and stretched it to Jordan "here, keep it"
Jordan stretched out his hand to collect the crystal but as his hand touches the crystal it zapped him and he jerked back wards
"what just happened" Jordan growled angrily
"i- i- i don't know"Laila stammered in surprise.
Jordan angrily picked up his sword, Laila knew what he was going to do so she carried her bag and ran for her miserable life, Jordan chases her at full speed he was going to kill her and take the crystal.

***** ***** *****
Bright blue sky, singing birds and beautiful sky scrapers of all sizes, Laila was in the city, she had never been here before but she tried to blend in to the peaceful streets, early on a Monday morning, every one were getting out of their various houses for the day's business.

Laila got to a small pond and sat beside it to wash her injuries from her fight with Jordan last night.
She opened her bag and saw the crystal, she wasn't surprised but annoyed, until the crystal began to glow, she picked it up and it stopped glowing, she turned north but nothing happened, she turned east and the crystal glowed again, she picked up her bag and walked towards the east, she walked in to a dark dirty alley and the crystal was glowing brighter and brighter, but it was a dead end.

Laila stood there confused, then she heard loud growl and a raccoon pounced on her, she thought she was going to hit the wall but she passed through it, she fell on her face, she raised her head and was shocked by what she saw, it was a large room, with big yellow hanging lanterns, couches, tables, shelves of enormous books, six brewing cauldrons and in the middle a huge transparent crystal crystal half buried to the top of a big table.

But behind table was a podium and between the table and the podium was a girl, wearing a brown long weary witch gown, with blonde hair and a shocked expression on her face

"wh-what are you doing here ha-how did you pass through the wall" she stammered
"I don't know, i-i just fell through, what is this place?" Laila asked standing up.
"it's not possible for you to pass though" the girl said to herself stroking her chin "UNLESS" she said as she noticed the mystic ZANALIAN crystal in Laila's hand

"You you have the crystal, the mystic ZANALIAN crystal, we taught we'd never find you, but but you found us, you found us" she said happily

"wait..... what?"


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