The Mystery Man

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That Same Night
Vanessa POV
Tuesday evening at the bar it was packed with woodland regulars then two handsome men walked into the bar. One of them looked familiar, he came by and helped Jose out, but the man was an absolute mystery to me. He was tall and handsome with broad shoulders, body full of muscles. He was wearing black jeans with a black hoodie. His beard, brown eyes. They say at the bar. I walked over to them and asked them "What are you drinking?" I looked over and this mysterious man was just staring at me. I found myself lost in his eyes, my eyes examined his whole face, then his friend called his name. Jamal I see, a face to a name. 
As he told me his drink, he was flirting with me. I made them there drink. I wanted to stay and spark up a conversation with Jamal the mystery man. Then a group of men arrived at the bar I felt tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and it's was Jose. 
Jose, " We need you at the back and bring the bourbon."
I picked up the bottle of bourbon and some glass and headed into the back room. In the backroom, it was just Javier and Jose and I. I had a front-row seat to the conversation. 
In the Backroom
I poured the glasses of bourbon I stood at the back.
Javier, "I want 20 kilos of Heroin to move out from the warehouse.  The block is hot. Cops are pull in corner boys we need to move the product."
Jose, "Let me get some guys and I will make it happen."
Javier, "Today is Tuesday, on Friday it should be moved."
Jose, "I can get my guy Darius to move it."
Javier, "Damn Nessa you come over tonight."
Jose, "Javier leave Nessa alone. Nessa you can leave."
I walked out of the back room, grabbed my coat and headed outside of the bar. I got on the phone and called my handler, "Bobby listen I don't have much time we need to meet come at 2010 Washington Ave."
While I was on the phone with Bobby I heard a voice come up behind me. 
"Hey beautiful, I didn't get to introduce myself. I'm Jamal."
He reached his hand then his friend came through the door. "Yo Jamal."
He turned to his friend who was standing at the door, them he turned back to me and said, "Excuse me."  He walked back into the bar. A few minutes later I walked back to the bar. Jamal and his friend were still sitting at the bar. Then Jose approaches him and his friend.

Kevin POV
Darius, "Look man, take my advice, stay away from the bartender. Don't get me wrong she is a baddie, but that Jose's girl and Javier has a thing for her. Trust me you don't,that smoke."
Jamal, "I hear you."
Jose walks up to the bar and he said, "Darius my man."
Darius, "Hey what's up this is my guy Jamal."
Jamal, "Hey man."
Jose, "Darius, do you and your friend want to make some money."
Darius, "Yeah we could make some money."
Jose, "I need something to be move."
Jamal, "How many."
Jose, "How many. What."
Jamal, "How many guys you need."
Jose, I just need two. You and Darius had all I need."
Jamal, "Okay cool how much."
Jose, "100K Darius your friend asks a lot of questions."
Darius, "Yeah it's down South, thing."
Jamal, "Yeah I just like to know what I'm doing."
Jose, "Ok. I need it to move by Friday but come here tomorrow at 4pm."
We left the bar by this time the bartender had already left.
The next day I talked to Hailey and Jay about my new job for Jose. I look at the time it was 3pm. I decided to go to Bar early. Standing in front outside of the bar guys were smoking cigarettes. I walked into the bar I looked around and it was empty, then suddenly that cute bartender came out of the back.  
"We are close."
"I know I'm here to see your man Jose."
"I see. Jose is not here and he is not my man."
"Okay Babygirl What is your name."
"It's Vanessa."

Vanessa POV
I met Bobby and we discussed Javier and Jose meeting. I left the meeting and went to the bar. 
This guy Jamal is back. He is still flirting while he asked me if  Jose was my name. We continued our conversation at the bar then I asked him to help me move some boxes in the back. We got up walked to back I show him the boxes then suddenly I was grabbed from behind.
"What the hell Ness!"
"Stop it Javier! Hee help me with the boxes for the bar."
Jamal put down the box and came to my defense. "hey man let her go it's all good let her go."
Javier dragged me out of the back room Jamal walked behind us and still yelled at Javier to let me go. 
"I screw to God Nessa I will."
Then suddenly as Javier raised his hand to hit her then the front door of the bar open running inside a little boy called my name, "Mommy, mommy."

Kevin POV
Still at yelling Javier to let Vanessa go if he hit he I would deck to the floor. Then this kid ran out of nowhere calling Vanessa. "Mommy." My eyes widen I thought to myself damn she a mom. But having the kid didn't deter Javier from let go Vanessa it actually made him angrier. Then he hit her the kid ran to Javier and said, "Stop it!." I began to step toward Javier to grab him. Javier pulled out a gun on the kid things were escalating.
Jamal, "Hey player I don't think you wanna kill a kid."I slowly walked toward the kid. I pulled the little boy behind me and I shielded him from the gun. By this time Jose walked in the bar. Walking in Javier pulled a gun. I was standing between the gun and the kid and Vanessa was on the floor screaming at Javier in Spanish. 
Jose, "Javier! Javier! That's my freaking kid. You pull a gun on my kid."
Javier, "Get him out here."
Jose, "Vanessa!"
Vanessa, "I got it come here little man."
Vanessa picked the visibly frightened little boy and carried him out of the bar. Then Jose turned me and said, "I saw you did thank you. And Jamal stay out of Javier's way. Tomorrow meet me at 247 St. Johns Pl between Washington and Underhill. Bring Darius too."
I nodded my head and left the bar.

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