Welcome to the Party

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Vanessa POV
I've been busted by Detective Kevin Atwater I put his card in my pocket. I walked out of the district I needed to see my kids. My phone rang.
 "I need to see you at the bar."
 "I can't come right now."
 "Vanessa, you need to come to the bar now!"
I hung up the phone and took a cab to the bar. Walking into the bar it was 7 pm music was blaring throughout the bar. Then I heard Javier's voice calling my name.
"Vanessa come here!"
I walked into the backroom. He had a group of men standing by the door. Walking in the office, a man closed the door behind me. 
Vanessa, "Where is Jose?"
Javier, "He's tied, busy right now! Sit!"
Vanessa, "Javier I need to go see my kids."
Javier, "Tell me! What you and the cops talk about!"
Vanessa, "I didn't speak to anyone Javier."
Javier, "Vanessa do you know we deal with rats."
Vanessa, "Javier, I don't know anything."
One of Javier's men gave him a rat. I watched as he took a knife and carved into the rat. He said, "That rats should be tortured and left to suffer."
He kills the rat. 
Javier, "Confess what you know it will bring you peace. Vanessa, who's the rat?"
Vanessa, "Javier I don't know."
Javier, "Love of Family and Loyalty. Vanessa, it would be a shame if someone went to Mama Garcia's house and went into your little boys room while they were sleeping and put two bullets in their heads. Bang! Bang! The time is ticking Vanessa! Tell me!"
With tears running down my face I got up from my seat and turned to leave and immediately  a man stood in front of the doorway blocking my exit. I heard Javier get up from his seat. I turned around  and Javier was standing right in front of me.
Javier, "Vanessa, maybe you are the rat."
I spat in his face without time to react. Javier hit me and kept on hitting me. I fell to the floor. The door opened then I saw Javier's men drag two men into the office. They were badly beaten. Look up, it was Jose and that guy worked with Kevin, Darius.
Javier, "Darius and Jose welcome to the party. We are here to find out what it means to be family and the meaning of loyalty. Let's start with loyalty. I need your undying devotion! You would die for me! Darius you have no Loyalty bringing some stranger and then you betrayed me. Darius where your friend Jamal? Don't worry when I find him he will get the same treatment!"
Javier took out the gun that he had in his waist and shot Darius in the head. 
Javier, "Love of family you are what everyone warned me I would get in the end. I was so happy when you got out of prison. Then I offer you a job. I love you like a brother and what I got pain, loss, misery and your bitch of an ex-girlfriend! Can't even trust family!"  Bang!
The gun went off. I watched as the father of my sons fell. He was laying on his side with his face turned to me. I could see eyes staring at me. He was dead. I went over to his body  and closed his eyes. "Oh my God, Jose Lo Siento Mucho."
Javier grabbed me by the arm I was now on my feet.
Javier, "Your kids will be well taken care of."
He turned to one of his men and he said, "Take her to the Pine Barrens, take the shovel,  dig a grave, shoot her and bury her. Then go to Mama Garcia's house a dn bring the boys to me."
The man handcuff me and drag me to the back alley and put me in the back seat of black SUV. The drive was quiet and long we drove down alley with no cars and pedestrians. I looked over at the dashboard and the time was 9:31pm. Looking in the rearview mirror I reached my arm over the driver seat. My cuffed hand was pinned around the driver;'s neck. It was between me and driver seat I pull, I pull with all my strength because I knew if this didn't work the driver would shot me on the shot then call Javier. I pull , pull I could feel him struggling to the point that it hurt my wrists. The handcuffs were digging into my wrists then finally he stop struggling and raised up my hands. Grabbed his gun open my door hop out then I opened his door unbuckle I pulled him out. He fell on the ground then Bang! Bang! Bang! I shot him, I shot him three times I search his body for the keys for the handcuffs but I couldn't find them. So I hop back in the SUV and drove way. I need to get my kids. With tear running down my face I trying to come to grips with what just happen what I have done and what just witness. Drove to Mama Garcia's house.
"Vanessa, What happened to your face. You are bleeding."
"Mama Garcia, did anyone come by and ask about the boys."
"No Mija, What happened? You are handcuffing."
"I need to take the boys."
"Vanessa my love, Come here."
Mama Garcia helped me to take off the handcuffs. My wrists were sore and bruised. She gave me a sunshade to cover my eyes. I walked into the boys room. I didn't turn on the light because I didn't want to frighten them. I woke my eldest to help him find his shoes. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around him. Then I picked up his little brother who was fast asleep. I put them in the backseat and I began to drive away. I took out my phone and called the one person that I knew  that could help me. "Kevin, Listen I need you to come and meet me at 2516 Franklin Square. I will be by the bus stop waiting."
I hung up the phone then I thought that I needed to get rid of this SUV. I was two blocks away from the bus stop. So I parked the SUV in the back alley. I helped my son out and we walked while I carried my sleeping son. We reached the bus stop.  I was so paranoid of every dark tinted vehicle that passed by. I was afraid that Javier would realizes that I wasn't dead. Then a black truck pulled up beside the bus stop and rolled down the window it was Kevin. I quickly grabbed my kids and got into the truck. He said nothing he just drove.

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