Chapter 9

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Amina Jackson 23Disney

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Amina Jackson

"Momma I miss my girlfriend." Amir pouted as he sat up in the wagon.

"Unt unn ABC's before ass and knees!" I shook my head as he looked up at me with a mug. "Dishes before bitches."

"Ms.MINAAAA!" I heard a little shout followed by a tight hug around my leg.

"Hey Ava what are you doing here?" I picked her up as Ricardo walked up to us.

When I looked at him I couldn't help but laugh. He had half his face painted with Mickey Mouse ears on his head.

"Fuck so funny." He mugged squinting his eyes.

"You look like a bitch." I laughed some more as the gang finally caught up with me.

"Yo pregnant ass be moving." Chino sighed as he put his hands on his knees.

"Ain't Neva that deep bruh." Capo laughed drinking from his water bottle.

"Poot!!!" Amour yelled making his head snap down to her seeing she had her hands up signaling she wanted to be picked up.

I love their little relationship. She use that lol iPad to blow his ass up. Barely could spell and they be having conversations.

"I want nuggets." Me and Amour said at the same time causing everyone to laugh.

"What's up Rebecca." Ant said as he nodded his head at Ricardo.

"You know that ain't that nigga name." Lee laughed shaking his head. "Robert you better speak up or they gonna bitch you."

"My daddy name Rirado!" Ava stomped grabbing his hand tugging it. "Can I go with my boyfriend?"

"Hell nawl." He scooped her up and laid her head on his shoulder. "Son gonna smooth talk my daughter right outta her pull up keep him away."

Everyone busted out laughing as the guys dapped Izzy and Mir up.

"Don't teach them that." I bucked.

"I'm ready to go."Ari yawned as Leo and Riley agreed.

"Where the hell is Alana?" Jamie asked as we saw Snipper walk up with Alana on his back. They both were sporting Mickey wars face paint and large smiles.

"When the fuck that happened?" Everyone whispered lowly.

"Y'all peep game weak as fuck." I mumbled and pulled the wagon towards the Dippin dots food stand.

"Mina you not supposed to be eating that!" Lee yelled causing the group to look at me as I purchased a large. "I'm telling daddy." He shrugged as pulled his phone out.

"Fuckin snitch." I mumbled scooping a spoon in my mouth.

"Mommy I get some." Mir tapped my leg with Izzy in trail. I scooped some in their mouth, then scoop some in mine.

"Me too! Mommy me too!" Amour speed walked from by pooter to my bowl. I gave her some then looked up at Lee who was laughing.

"You want some Ava?" I asked because I'm not about to give all the kids something and not her just because she's not my kid.

She shook her head no then looked up at her daddy. He sighed before nodding yes and putting her down. She waddles quickly with sticky hands I gave her a small scoop since her mouth is much smaller.

"Tank you." The smiled as they abandoned me after all my ice cream was gone.

Well ain't that boutta bitch.

"Y'all just gonna leave me? Y'all just used me." I shook my head try to standing up but I couldn't so I sat there rubbing my belly.

"Come on fat momma." Ricardo chuckled helping me off the bench.

"I'm ready to fucking go." I sighed looking at the sky.

"I really don't feel like making this damn trip back to Miami." He shook his head looking down at his phone.

"You live in Miami?" I asked but them remembered his phone that Ava tried to give me.

"Yep born and raised." He chuckled.

"What highschool?" I asked to start conversation.

"Northwestern. Bull for life!" He laughed. "How bout you?"

"Palmetto we would've torn y'all ass up." I said slapping the palm of my hand with my other hand.

"Dats cap!" He shook his head. "Y'all wouldn't even be able to beat Central or Jackson! Maybe y'all can beat Edison but definitely not the west go away."

Amour walked up to me holding hands with Ava "I sleepy." She rubbed her eyes. As I grabbed her hand walking her to the group.

"She's sleepy and I can't pick her up." I mumbled trying to hold back tears. Capo came to pick her up but she moved. She did the same thing with chino, pooter and Lee.

"I want mommy." She looked up at me I bent down to pick her up the best I could my belly was in the way and Lee was angry that I did it.

"We leaving." Lee spoke as he grabbed Amour as she cried for me.

Capo pulled the wagon with Mir sitting in as Izzy rode in snippets arm.

I stopped mid walk and let out a breath, "Lee!!!!" I called

He turned around looking at me before speed walking toward me.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked as he put his hand on my lower back, "Mina please this is the best time TL to go into labor so if you feel anything... PUSH!"

"No dickhead feel right here!" I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly.

"He so strong!!" He mumbled feeling the kicks on my stomach.

"Don't call my daughter a boy pussy." I snapped as he helped me walk out of the theme park.

"Sooooo are we getting nuggets?" I asked as everyone was safely in the car. "Oh shit, wait!"

"What happen?" Capo asked leaning forward with his hand in my belly feeling the baby kick.

"Baby count!" I sat up, "Amour, Izzy, Scooter, and Amir" Scooter fell asleep halfway through and still was asleep.

"Ok all the kids are in." I sighed "now for the big ass kids. Pooter, Chino, Leo, Capo, Lee, Snipper, lil Snipper..."

"Stop altering to be funny fat hear hoe!" Alana laughed from the backseat.

I bursted our laughing, "Ari, Jamie. That's everybody?"

"Yep lets go and lean your chair back I'm trying to feel the kicks Damn stingy ass!" He snapped as I leaned my chair back.

"And to ass listened pick one you either gangsta or you not bitch can't be both." Ari spoke as she laughed.

"Shut up talking to me." I pulked my phone out and lift my shirt up to see if I could catch one of the kicks on video. I got one and posted it on my cf list.

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