Part 1

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‘They are really starting to get on my nerves’ I huffed sitting back in my seat on the plane

‘Emma come on, there just having fun, ignore it!’ my best friend  Molly laughed

‘Its hard to ignore it when you’ve got drunken idiots sitting only a few rows from you!’ I said a little louder hoping they’d hear me

‘Emma seriously’ Kelly snapped, my other friend ‘Were going on holiday, anyone would think this is a chore to you with that face

‘Sorry’ I sighed ‘you know this isn’t really my fortay…I don’t do social occasions’ I explained rolling my eyes

‘And this is why the three of us really need to treasure every moment we have together on this holiday, we never get to do anything together’

‘Ok…from now on I’ll be less uptight’ I smiled half heartedly as a loud chant began from the lads, one boy bouncing up and down in his seat; completely unacceptable behaviour if you ask me.

‘Olly you need to calm down mate; I think you’ve had enough for now’ I heard one of the members frpm the rowdy bunch say

‘you can say that again!’ I muttered under my breath

‘Emma….remember....relax’ Kelly sighed

‘Yes sorry…’ i nodded ‘its just…it’s the middle of the night, we haven’t even taken off yet and we have this for the next four hours. I get enough of this kind of behaviour in work; I though I was trying to get away from that’ I explained

‘Well I am sure they will be no bother at all, your intervention is not needed in this one, its not a medical emergency’ Kelly laughed

‘I know’ I smiled. I really was over reacting

My name is Emma and im 27 years old. After finishing university three years ago and graduating as a junior doctor, I got a job as a senior trauma doctor working in my favourite city in the world, London.  My life is my work, I put everything into my job; you kind of have to, its not something you can just turn up to after a night out. I have to deal with life and death, so the rest of my life has been put on hold. Up until now, ive not taken any time off, but my bestfriends from college thought it was time we did something special together as we rarely got to meet up. I wasn’t completely against the idea, but it did take some persuading from my bestfriends Kelly and Molly. This holiday was set out to be a once in a lifetime vacation; However Molly and Kelly were both out to have some fun, especially if boys were involved, I on the other hand am a little more reserved when it comes to lads and as my friends like to put it ‘having fun’ is not something i have much experience in. This holiday wasnt going to be a time for me to relax and do nothing but sunbathe and have spa treatments....just myself, Emma and Kelly....or so i thought....

more? x

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