Part 2

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Now over an hour into our flight to Ibiza and completely relaxed listening to songs on my iphone, there hadn’t been a peep out of the rowdy group of lads for a while, I was starting to think that they’d either fallen asleep or sobered up and we would have peace and quiet for the remainder of the journey. Suddenly, Molly tapped my shoulder and I took an ear phone out.

‘Theres something kicking off down there’ she said pointing towards the bunch of lads

‘Olly…can you hear me!’ I heard one of them shout ‘Can someone help me!....oh my god he’s going blue…he’s not breathing…someone help’

‘Emma’s a doctor!’ Kelly shouted

Can you come and help please?’ the flight attendant asked looking rather flustered and my instinct made me hurry to where the commotion was coming from. I’d seen this so many times before, keeping a calm nerve myself, this was just another typical shift at work for me, why was it, even when I was escaping to another country for a week of relaxing…work still followed me…

First I tried banging his back, it was clear there was some obstruction in the airway  ‘I need some oxygen’ I shouted. I’d forgotten all my angry feelings I had towards the group; I had now found myself in an emergency situation, something I saw far too often. The other boys from the group moved out of their seats pretty quickly and I laid the man down flat so I could manage his airway; the oxygen with mask was passed to me pretty quickly and I applied it to his face.

 'Whats his name?' I asked the group

 'Its...its...Olly...look is he going to be ok?' one of them stuttered

‘Olly….can you hear me?’ I said applying firm stimulation by squeezing his shoulders  'He's going to be fine...ive done this plenty of times' I said nervously, no matter how many times I’ve done this its still scary when it happens

Whilst everyone on the plane looked towards me with worry in their eyes, I carried on like I would normally at work. Placing the oxygen mask over his mouth and supplying low pressure to slowly wake him up.

 'Aston...can you hear me...?' I asked again and this time he began to cough and his face begin to regain colour, his eyes open and nodded gently removing the mask from his face

‘no you need to leave it on’ I smiled replacing the mask back over his mouth. I continued to assess Ollys condition throughout the rest of flight, there wasn’t long left and one of the lads went and sat in my seat which Kelly was pretty pleased with.

‘Your going to need to go to hospital once we land; and you need to keep the oxygen on for now as I have no way of assessing the oxygen levels in your blood. They should just do an X-Ray of your chest and then im sure you’ll be able to continue with your holiday’ I explained

‘An ambulance will be ready for you when we land Mr Murs’ the flight attendant smiled

Mr Murs? Why did that name ring a bell. Without realising, I stared at Olly for a few minutes trying to work out where I knew him from…then it clicked…Ok what the hell just happened....?!

thanks for reading :)

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