Part 4

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*Emma’s point of view*

‘Im really not sure about this you know’ I sighed looking at myself in the mirror

‘Emma it looks hot; you look stunning’ she smiled

‘Its just a bit too revealing for me I think, I didn’t think it looked too bad online’ I shrugged

‘Well you’re a fool if you don’t wear it, its now 10pm and we need to be there in an hour, keep it on’ Molly ordered as she went to refill her glass

‘Fine…’ I huffed. I wasn’t used to wearing dresses and party wear; I was used to either wearing my scrubs or jeans and a jumper. I couldn’t attend a shopping trip with the girls as I was working much to my disappointment…not. So I just had to order all my clothes for the holiday online when I had a spare minute to do so. We continued to drink whilst getting ready, Molly had done my makeup, it was her job afterall, she worked in MAC. Looking at my reflection I wasn’t afraid to admit it looked good, I’d never bothered with more than foundation blusher and mascara and it was a nice difference. The alcohol I had drank was the much needed confidence I needed, I felt nervous as this was completely out of my comfort zone.

‘tonight is going to be messy’ Kelly laughed as we got into the hotel lift

‘If you say so’ I giggled, already slightly tipsy

‘So do you think you’ll see Olly tonight?’ Molly asked

‘After what happened today I highly doubt it, and girls can we just drop it now? I just want to enjoy the night’ I smiled and the girls agreed.

The lift door opened on the ground floor and we stepped out to let the awaiting hotel guests get in…

‘Hi…’ I heard someone say. Turning round I realised it was one of the lads from the flight

‘Hi’ I smiled awkwardly

‘Thanks so much for today; we really appreciate it…im callum by the way’ he smiled

‘Its fine’ I laughed, an awkward silence arising ‘Um…How is Olly?’

‘He’s fine, taking it easy tonight but the XRays were clear’ Callum smiled

‘That’s good…Well I guess we’ll see you around then…staying in the same hotel’ I giggled

‘Yeah…oh whats your name?’

‘Emma…’ I blushed ‘See ya’

The girls and I walked away from the lift quickly before we got ourselves into anymore awkward situations and headed off towards the club in a taxi.

‘Out of all the hotels on the island’ I laughed ‘Of course it was going to happen’

‘Its fate’ Kelly smiled


*Astons point of view*

I’d decided to take the first night of the holiday easy and have an early night watching movies and definitely not drinking alcohol; the boys had agreed to do the same even though I told them they should go out; I think they were worried about me.

‘Mate you’ll never guess who we’ve bumped into in the lobby’ Callum laughed walking through the door

‘Who?’ I smiled munching on crisps

‘The girl that saved you on the plane, her names Emma and boy did she look hot just then’ he smiled

‘So shes staying in this hotel?’ I said shooting up out of bed

‘Take it easy mate…’ he laughed ‘and yes it looks like it; I guess your in luck mate’

thanks for reading :)

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