A2 #

82 16 21

(Bowing down to Nara-Narayana)

I again got many amazing answers! I will post those beautiful answer for the Q2 # (They are not in the order)

AnugrahaaRavi3      erlebnissewhelve  Saraghasvadhu Hannahstorm311 Radhasyam123

All the 5 of you, Thank you so much for your answers!!


"Ekam sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti"-Rig Veda says, 'Truth is one, the wise perceive it differently' which means God is one and he is perceived differently.He, the supreme almighty has N number of forms just to show his qualities in each and every form in different ways.And to assure that each and every time when the hands of adharma raise, he will be there to uplift dharma.


I think like all other religions God is one as per our hindu religion as well. As per popular belief I don't think Hinduism is polytheistic. Infact I believe its monotheistic. God is only one and we call him as Parabrahma. He himself takes many forms in order to carry out the various responsibilities in such a way that we humans can relate to him. Infact we humans also carry his reflection only in us. The soul present in human body is part and parcel of that God only. And he shines similarly in inner chambers of our heart. Just like a diamond emits shine in all spheres, shine is not different or saparate from diamond but it effects onlookers differently. Similarly God is same and he appears to us differently based on our own realizations and the way we connect/relate to him.


"The whole cosmic order is under Me. Under My will it is automatically manifested again and again, and under My will it is annihilated at the end." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.8)Hindutva bases on Worship of Trideva-Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva-All the same supreme Soul. He is Infinite and hence manifest in infinite forms. He is infinite, he loves His creation infinitely. But we His creations yearn for him. We are humans-mortals, all we make is choice we make. He shows us infinite way to reach Him. Some may wish to the path shown by Rama, Ideality defined, whereas some may wish to Look into themself through AdiYoga and reach Shiva, some may loose heart to the flute-notes of Krishna and His infinite nectars of leelas. And much more, it's for many paths and Single Destination of Paramatma, He manifests endlessly. Or else. The Supreme-Soul Himself wishes to show us the way. The way of Team-work, and division of Duties with Oneness that a mortal should lead in their life! 


Yes, I agree that God is one. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. But for him to work and manage everything properly he needs different form. He takes the form of Brahma for creation. He takes the form of Vishnu to preserve and watch over his creation. And he takes the form of Shiva to eventually destroy them, to make the path for new creation. He has taken forms of Goddess Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati to help with the work. He makes other forms of him in the Devatas to help his creation, us humans with our daily requirements. Like Indra for rain, Agni for every necessity related to fire and many more.


It's based upon duties and actions. Eg: indra to shower rains Surya dev to give warmth& brightness etc

Thank you so much for your brilliant answers!

My another perspective is the God takes various forms to satisfy our minds. We, Human beings are unique and get attracted to different form differently.

Some love Gangadhara Siva's appearance. Some devote to Pundarikaksha Narayana. Some love Lotus eyed Lakshmi. Some love Mother Gauri.

They concentrate on that one particular form of God and easily get liberated. Our human mind cannot easily concentrate on formless God because of the psycology.

This fact also reasons for idol worship.

Thank you :)

~Jai Siya Ram~

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