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A Very very big thanks to:

Krishna_premika erlebnissewhelve paarthaw RShri21 Jiya1234-00 krishnaaarthi _makhan_chor_


I would simply ask nothing. He has always stayed by my side. When nobody listened,he did! Like he always does. When he has given me such a beautiful life. What more can I ask for? It would be sinful of me to do so. I have faith in him that he would always show me a way to get out of my hardships. Identifying it is my challenge. I love him and I will always trust him! Thank you. 

And yes,if it's in his hands still, please tell him to remove this coronavirus. If his answer is 'vidhi Ka vidhaan' and Kaliyuga then so be it. 

(You touched my heart, dear sister! You are really Krishnapremika. Sri Krishna is the best friend you will ever have! God bless you!)


"If I am blessed to have Lord Krishna before me, then I would pray to him to make me contented and stay connected to him forever."

(Every devotee wishes the same: Remember him forever and follow the path of Dharma. Bhai, you reminded me the divine devotee: Vibhishan! Your wish will be fulfilled for sure)


I would have no words to say if something like this happens but let's just imagine it actually happens I guess that would be biggest wish in itself. So there won't be much else remaining to ask. But let's imagine I would be sane and conscious enough to actually ask for something then I guess I will ask him to let me take birth after birth and let me enjoy the craving and yearning that comes when we fall in love with the most ideal lover.The idea of falling in love with him first time again and again and loving him at every single moment entices me the most. That journey is too important. I would ask him to just let me love him and let me be his forever. Reason for this is still unknown to me. May be it's love, may be it's attraction. 

What ever this is it's enough to last birth after birth so that is what I will wish _/\_  

(I can purely understand this divine love! Because I am also in love with him. Surely you will find a way to Sri Krishna!!)


I would like to ask for maturity. Maturity with understands jeevatma and shareeram are separate just connected till the end of our praraabtha karma in this world for a particular janmaa. Maturity which states Jeevatma is a part of paramatma. Maturity which let's me live as a lotus leaf in water such that I won't be affected by the happiness or sadness of this temporary world. Maturity with which I can perform satkarma which automatically gives me moksha praapthi and permanent unison with the paramatma which is the ultimate destination for every jeevatma in this world...

(Sure, dear! Sri Krishna will surely fulfill it! Maturity always leads to enlightenment and realising Krishna! Amazing wish!)


I will ask him, that I wanna be his best friend, because he never betrayed his friends and he never failed to protect them.

(Which friend is perfect like Krishna? Krishna is already your friend! Since the very time you think Krishna as your dear friend, he became your best friend. He pesters a little at first by not responding. It takes time. Like Lord Krishna played the game of dice with Hathirama (a dear devotee of Lord Vishnu) you will also enjoy the company of Sri Krishna)


I will ask please god end this pandemic as soon as possible.

(A ideal person is the one who always thinks about the welfare of the society and is selfless. This wish is purely selfless! Surely Sri Krishna will fulfill your wish, Akka! <3)


I'll ask him...... Hey! Vasudev Krishna...... Plsss give me a chance to meet Draupadi and Abhimanyu and pls pls pls pls pls pls give a bit of Amrit as COVID19 vaccine to us....and save the mankind

(Such a lovely wish!!! Yes, Devi Draupadi is a divine goddess and meeting her is a really a bliss. Abhimanyu is another epic person who is none other Chandra deva's power. Surely your wish will be fulfilled)

I am really sorry if I hurt someone by judging your wishes. Please convey me if you fell uncomfortable/insecure by posting your wish and commenting on it!

I am not placing these wishes in order. I just randomly posted from bottom to top i.e, from older messages to newer messages. Please don't mistake, dear friends.

Well, my wish may look somewhat awkward for the public! Still, I will expose it:

I want him to be my lover and be as my life partner forever. He is the perfect partner/friend for any person irrespective of their gender. A male can also love Sri Krishna. There is no wrong in it. It is called Madhurya bhaav.

Sages of Dandanakaranya forest loved Sri Rama when he was searching for Sita in the forests. They wanted to express their Madhurya bhaav to Sri Rama. As Sri Rama was in hurry and he took ekapatni vrata throughout his life, he rejected it. Looking that the sages were disappointed and understanding their true love, he blessed that their wish will be fulfilled in his next incarnation.

Hence, the sages took birth as Gopis and in the next incarnation of Lord Vishnu i.e, Sri Krishna fulfilled their wishes.

The relationship of Gopis and Sri Krishna is a divine, free of lust. There is only true love which is of Madhurya bhaav.

Thank you everyone for your beautiful answers!!

Hare Krishna!!! 

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