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your eyes widen in disbelief as your milk carton and it's contents spilled all over your paperwork, which was sadly also today's math homework.

"aree~? Sorry I wasn't paying attention, you should be careful next time," your eyes gleamed in anger at the voice, "Bakashima! You did it on purpose!"

"me? you had your baby bottle beside your worksheets all along, anyone would tell that you were trying to ruin it." the tall blonde scowls, glaring down on you, "are you broken in the head or something? why would someone want their stuff dead and practically ruined all over?"

"stand up!"

"I'm the one broken in the head? Says the one who placed her beverage beside paper!" Tsukishima roars, "hUH? You're the one to talk! You clumsy tall bean, YOU'RE ONLY GOOD AT BEING TALL!"


"LOOK WHOSE CRYING OVER SPILLED MILK, LITERALLY!" the class sweatdrops at the commotion. The two of you were oblivious that the whole class was staring at you now "WELL, LOOK WHOSE BEING A GUILTY DOG! AWWW DONT BE SHY YOU CAN JUST APOLOGIZE!"

"sHUT UP!" Both you and the taller blonde turn up front, looking away in embarrassment as your Math teacher eyes on the both of you. The class erupted laughters seeing that the both of you failed to notice the teacher coming in until he called.

The said teacher sighs, rubbing his temples. "Always the two of you, it's always the both of you," He mutters in annoyance.

"Since, the both of you are so energetic why not pass your homeworks first? Ms. (Last Name), hm? Mr. Tsukishima?" he raises a brow, a hand waiting for papers to reach it.

You look down, hiding the soaked papers under your desks, "I-I don't have it.. S-Sir" you tremble, brows narrowing as you mentally curse Tsukishima.

That bean pole obviously has his homework, that normie does it immediately after class!

The teacher looks at you in disbelief before turning to Tsukishima, his hand waiting for him to submit his papers. "I don't have it..." The blonde hesitantly spoke, biting his tongue by accident. You turn to him in surprise, even the teacher was taken aback.

"M-My dog... ate it," a small laugh managed to escape your lips at his obvious lie. Tsukishima may seem rich, but you don't think he owns a dog. The teacher sighs, disappointed.

"I guess Miss (Last Name) has rubbed off you Mister Tsukishima, go to the principal's office! I don't want to see you both in class."


"You're so stupid, you got us thrown out again," Tsukishima clicks his tongue, regretting that he left class. "How dare you blame me? We wouldn't be walking towards the principal's office if you weren't dumb or clumsy!"

"You would still have your stupid homework if only you aren't so stupid to leave a milk carton beside it!" the blonde was pissed, and you were about to retort back,but you couldn't.

"Well, what about yours..?" you ask earning a "hUH?!" from Tsukishima.

"Your homework..." You began, and Tsukishima went silent, at loss for words "I saw them in your bag before that, but you didn't pass them... maybe you wouldn't be here if—"

"Stupid, who said those were my math homework?" Tsukishima declares, "Also what were you doing snooping on my bag? What a creep!" the blonde gasps, acting as if he's been violated, grabbing stares from around making you look like a pervert.

"You demon!" You yell, chasing him to stop acting as if he was harassed.

To think he was being nice is a big NO.

but well, uhm... people make dumb choices and you may have thrown a discarded banana peel which made the blonde awkwardly slip.

Tsukishima fell on his bum after colliding with another person. the blonde swore he felt an ominous feeling crawl down his spine like he was under a much more grave danger.


There you stood outside the Vice Principal's office, mentally preparing your apology to the middle blocker when he comes out of the said room.

Turns out the person Tsukishima bumped into was the Vice Principal, and you wouldn't have guessed how far his wig flew.

Of course he was furious, maybe embarrassed. He took the blonde to his office and started scolding (bribing?) him about the incident, you swore you heard the word 'wig' a few more times than necessary.

Guilt rose up your chest as you heard the words 'suspend' and 'expell', you prayed that the skies where on your side today and won't dig up your grave for damaging Tsukishima's educational life.

Tsukishima started to apologize and you started to practice your apology to him in your head. You messed up big time, the blond was close to being suspended or worse expelled.

the blonde emerges out of the Vice Principal's office with a blank look on his face. You bowed in apology, sucking your breath in as you felt his sharp glares piercing towards you.

"he didn't... suspend you right?" you shakily ask, and the blonde huffs, "he didn't... expell you right?" you panic.

I mean who wouldn't panic? Someone was in grave danger of being kicked out of school because of you. Tears were forming on your eyes as your guilt overflowed, you turned away to hide your face from the blond.

Tsukishima let out a laugh, making you face him in shock.

Is this guy actually insane that he'll just laugh out the fact that he's being expelled?

"Chill out shrimpy, the VP wouldn't expell a student just for bumping into him," he chuckles, amused by your scared reaction "Awe were you actually concerned for me? Don't tell me you already have a crush on me, shrimpy~"

Tsukishima playfully whips his hair back, trying to act like one of those pretty boys who brush their hair back to impress "I mean I know I'm irresistable but I didn't expect you to fall for me that bad, " the blonde muses.

You cringe, punching his arm, "you should've been expelled back there" you deadpan, kidding of course, a small laugh escaping your lips which escalated to a burst of laughter.

Well, the crush joke aside, you were happy that the blonde was alright. "hO? You're not denying your love for me?" Tsukishima teases, a smirk on his face leaving a sour taste on your tongue "yOU'RE DISGUSTING TSUKISHIMA KEI, I DEFINITELY FEEL HATE FOR YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART."

"Aww I definitely hate you too from the bottom of my heart."

`、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ(ノ><)ノ `、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ

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