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(Yuu's POV)

Fluttering my eyes open, I realized I slept through Bathory's class, which didn't disappoint me in the slightest. Knowing that I didn't have to listen to his boring lectures of him obsessing over biology was alright with me.

Stretching out my arms above my head, I gave a heavy sigh, now slumping in my chair. Hearing the bell ring, I quickly stood up, grabbing my backpack, and leaving the classroom with a quickness before Bathory could make his move on stopping me.

Walking through the hallways of the school, I began rubbing my neck, my former headache now resurfacing. I groaned, continuing to walk down the hallway. I don't know what the hell happened, but these past few hours have been extremely fuzzy.

Growling under my breath, I could only briefly catch the movement of a small pink figure before it crashed into me, which forced me backward a few steps, and now looking at the pink fuzzball on the ground. I gritted my teeth, bending down and trying to figure out what the hell the damn thing was.

As I was about to touch it, a small female popped her head out of the fur, giving me a quick glare before standing up, which now I began to notice the pink fuzz was actually her hair. Hah- she's short..

"Sorry miss, I didn't see you there, it's not my fault you're two heads shorter than me." I smugged, crossing my arms in satisfaction. It was a bad pun but it was something. Slowly peeking my eyelid open, the female didn't look pleased with my comment. Mission successful...

"Please head to your next class sir.."

"Hah? You can't just order me around-"

"Well as your new Vice Principle I'd highly advise you to go to class before you're late."


I felt her hand clasp over my mouth, her glare burning into my soul. "Call me short one more time and you're done for." For someone being as short as she is, she sure is scary.. for a pink fluff ball.

Her hand finally left my mouth, which caused relief from me. "Alright, shor-" You know what let's not call her short-stack- "Yes ma'am.."

"Get going now,"

Grumbling, I turned the corner towards my next class, seeing Mr. Hiiragi talking with a few female students, probably some of the girls crushing on him. To be specific on whom this guy is, since there are two Hiiragi's, this is in fact, Shinya Hiiragi, who all the girls faun over, speaking teacher-wise.

He was like a father figure to me, so was Shinya's best friend, Guren Ichinose, but I'm never gonna admit to that, no way in hell.

As the timer starts running out for our next class, the girls finally leave, giving me a little bit of free time with Shinya himself, before the next period started. Before I had the chance to open my mouth, I instantly felt Shinya's familiar hand resting on my head. "Heyyy! Don't touch me!"

Most of the girls were jealous of this, mainly because I'm the only student he would head pat, sucks to be them :)

Shinya giggled, giving me his usual wholesome smile. He was our school counselor, for students last names A through L, which means that I come to him when I need help with anything or he comes to me when my grades start failing again. Not going to lie, I feel safe around him, like I can actually express myself and my emotions to him.

"You should be getting to class here soon, wouldn't want to be tardy."

Looking up at Shinya's blue eyes, I couldn't help but growl. "I don't wanna go, besides, Miss. Belle doesn't teach us anything, she just acts like a spoiled kid.."

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