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(Mika's POV)

It felt like a second. Like my body was floating.. my body just floating in a sea of water. Everything seemed peaceful, dark, undisturbed.

It felt great, not able to hear anything but your own heartbeat.

My eyes opened slightly, hearing the faint call of his name. 

These thoughts were quickly interrupted though when Yuu-chan abruptly body slammed against me, causing me to jolt and yelp at the same.

About to gripe at his action, I saw the smile form on Yuu-chans face. I could feel my own cheeks raise in heat, so I turned my head to avoid him. I couldn't stay mad at him, not when he looks this vulnerable.

"You're like a damn child." I groan, giving him my usual emotionless stare. Yuu-chan nodded his head in agreement, which shocked me only slightly.

Yuu-chan laid where he was for a little bit, slightly nibbling in the blanket that laid underneath him. He finally got off of me and sat on the floor, looking up. "Anyway, you kind of slept past the alarm. We still have an hour until our first class starts but I would suggest going back to your room to get changed into your uniform."

I nodded at his words, shifting my eyes across the room, before throwing the blanket off of myself, throwing my legs off the edge, and standing up.

Yuu-chan continued to sit on the floor, playing with a lock of his raven hair. He seemed, distracted like his mind had completely zoned out. Or he was just admiring the floor.

I smiled at him, before taking a few steps towards the door, giving Yuu-chan a gentle smile, and leaving his room. I would just have to wait and find a perfect time to tell him.. tell him that- my thoughts were interrupted by a shove in the shoulder. He hadn't even realized he ran into another student in the hallway. I gave a quick dip of my head before turning back around. I don't want to go back to Lacus and Rene. Who knew what they're gonna say.

(Yuu's POV)

He's totally insane. One stupid kid brought it up, and now he won't stop talking. Ferid Bathory, the king of death. Hehe, I just nicknamed him that in my head.. he's very fond of death or gore, this is probably something you've already heard me say, many times before.

There was an idiotic kid who decides to open his big mouth.

That set Bathory off, and now he's hyper-talking about what's inside the blood cells and how it has some kind of sugar taste inside of them. Sometimes I truly believe he's a vampire from those books I read as a child.

Of course, they're not real though.

"Bathory, we are totally off-topic. I understand that this is biology class and cells are related to the subject but we're not learning about cells right now." Shinoa grumbled, laying her head on her hands.

Mr. Bathory gave her a cold stare before husking around, crossing his arms over his chest, and huffing. He was clearly disappointed. "Y'all have the rest of this class to finish up work or do whatever you'd like. I'm going to go sit in my corner," he spoke with a sad sarcasm in his voice. 

"We all know he's going to watch some kind of horror, at least we know he's not the teacher that tries secretly watching porn."

The kid beside me spoke suddenly, causing me to jerk. "Seriously dude? You scared me."

"Heh, sorry. I'm the reason he's all mopey now. Anyway, have you seen what was on the news?"

"I didn't even hear you the first time you said something."

The kid shook his head and handed his phone to me. I stared at the article while the kid spoke. "According to this article from a year back, there was a body found near our school. The body of the victim belonged to one of our old upperclassmen. They don't know if this was someone he knew or if this was just unfortunate. Supposed homicide, wound near the base of the neck. I'd guess an ax or something. It's been a cold case since, and tried to keep it away from media or news to keep panic from arising."

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