a letter to doom

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         "What is wrong with the bed?" asked the boy.

         "Get over it," said Nia.

         "I can't get over it. I can barely get near it without puncturing myself," he replied. That brought a smile on her face.

          Nia stood by the window while he explored the room.

        "Do you think we're going to have to..?" she drifted off.

         "Have to what?"

         "Switch again. Is it all going to start?" she asked.

         "I don't know," he answered honestly. "Hopefully not. Lelitkin is a big performance. He might not have time."

         "You know that won't matter if he wants to do it," she replied.

         "I know." He wished that just for once his life depended on what he wanted.

         She turned around. "You know I love you?"

         "What's going on?" he asked. The boy's gaze immediately moved across her looking for any signs of damage. Her eyes were clear, there was no external bleeding, and no one held a pistol to her back. Somehow the lack of harm seemed more unsettling.

         She paused. "Nothing. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. And I'm sorry."

        "Sorry for what?" he asked. Panic rising up.

         Her eyes were somber and scared which scared him. Nia was never scared. She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I just wish it never makes sense to you."

         He narrowed his eyes in confusion. "You're right. I don't think it ever will."

          "Are you going to perform at the Facio?" he asked, changing the subject for which she seemed extremely grateful.

         "I don't know. Will he want me to?"

Just as he was about to answer, there was a knock on the door.

The boy opened it to find Ana standing there, wringing her hands in excitement.

        "What is it Ana?" asked Nia, exasperatedly.

        "Okay," she said, taking in a deep breath. "Skender said that he just saw a letter be delivered to the Master."

        "Oh my Stealers! Really? How exciting!" Nia said clasping her hands together in fake excitement. "I might just faint," she continued, apparently not done with her act. Ana was Nia's personal emotional punching bag. The amount and intensity of insults Nia delivered to Ana was like a meter displaying the levels of her inner turmoil and today it seemed to be on overdrive. Either from nerves or exhilaration. Or both.

       Ana stood with her arms crossed waiting for Nia to finish.

      "I'm so happy I just might jump off this building and fly away on my wings. Will you -"

      "It had the Royal Seal on it," interrupted Ana, clearly fed up.

       Nia quieted. Her entire body went still in cruel irony to the fizzy bubbles moving up and down his bloodstream. What could this mean? Were they hired? Surely the Kingdom would pay handsomely if they were hired. And with that money, maybe Nia and the boy could leave. Some sensible part of him quietly warned him to not get too carried away. It could be something else. But why would it be anything else? It made perfect sense. They were entertainers and the Kingdom had people to be entertained. With the upcoming Apertum Ball where people would come in from both Asmia and Eyrinth, an invite to perform seemed the only explanation. In the deep depths of his mind swirled other reasons though. The murders, the Caraca symbol, the Master's involvement in it. But the thoughts swirled underground, covered by soft grass and rolling hills and sweeter parts of Caraca where the boy imagined him and Nia would run away to, with the money. Or maybe they could open a shop right here in Esterham and live with the lemon-scented streets. Anything was fine as long as it was away from the Circus, and tents and Switches. His heart beat in thump to new words, words of the silent hope ignited in him, a new life, a better life.

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They were doomed.

More specifically, she was doomed.

I always was, except now I'm jumping off a cliff and falling right into my coffin

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Author's Note: Two parts in one day? I know, I've gone insane but I wrote enough to allow Wattpad to catch up. anyways, you know the drill vote and comment and come back for the next part soon!! THANK YOU FOR READING!!

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