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          Onus could not believe how someone could be this stupid. He voiced his disbelief.

          "Isn't it a marvel how bullets pierce through empty skulls the same they do through ones with brains?" He rotated the pistol in his hand, its slick metal warm against his skin, as he finally rested the muzzle against his temple.

          Duze cowered, his eyes pleading for mercy.

         "I apologize, Onus. They really both looked the same."

         Onus leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. The leather under him shifted in delight, excited to see what happened next.

        "Oh! But you see. They really didn't. One had a heart. The other had a bullseye."

        "I know. I know. I'm sorry. It won't happen again," he said as he pissed himself.

        "Duze, you really are a disgusting man. And you're right it won't happen again. Because we know better now don't we?" he asked, all sweet.

         Duze nodded vigorously.

        "Get out." He instantly stood up and raced away.

          A gunshot rang. A body dropped, inches away from the doorframe. Onus rolled his eyes, in exasperation. "I said, get out."

        Someone held him by the legs and dragged Duze out.

        "We know better now," murmured Onus to himself.

         A girl stepped over the corpse that now made a screeching sound against the marble, frowning in distaste.

         "Upset your appetite?"

        "Not at all," she said, turning her face to look at him.

         Onus looked back. He brought his hand to his face, placing his thumb between his teeth.

         Thick tension poured slow like honey into the air between them.

         "Brothel's the other way," he said finally.

         "I'm glad you know your building placement."

           Onus rolled his eyes, agitated.

           "What do you want?"

          "I need you to kidnap someone."

          Onus gestured a hand for her to go on.

         She bit the inside of her cheek, as her eyes flashed dangerously. 

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author's note: because of how amazing i am at keeping secrets, i won't be saying anything about this, except... thank you for reading. come back soon for an explanation unless you're a sadist and like being unsatisfied. love you. vote and comment. did i say thank you for reading?

(also apparently i've offered to start making covers for people. yeah i don't know what that's about. i'm listening to a pop version of teardrops on my guitar. v weird.)


Cora. ✮

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