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Item#: SCP-____

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-____ is needed to be powered by hydraulic pumps that can make 108VVF that can reach 98 floors.

SCP-____ has been locked due to results of Travel VI (see Document VI). The hallway to the SCP-___ is now heavily guarded and unauthorized person are not allowed to examine or enter the SCP-____. If a person has been permitted to enter the SCP-____, He/She must find another 4 person to examine and enter the SCP-____ and travel down.

Description:  SCP-____ is located at ████, Philippines. SCP-____ is a Dover Elevator, can speed up to 350-500 fpm with capacity of 5000 lbs. Platform size 70"wide x 62"deep. Interior wall are made on white mellamine with metal handrails that are made to complement to the wall panels.

Subjects report a mysterious loud knocking in the wall panels of the elevator, and many mysterious happenings on the elevator. It is now called Elevator of Death due to the results of Travel V & VI.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2012 ⏰

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